- formIdCharacter
FormId of the form definition
- pageSizeNumeric
The number of forms per page. Maximum allowed page size is 200.
- pageNumberNumeric
The page number for which data is returned
- modeCharacter
detailed/summary - determines if form meta data and data or just form instanceId and date created are returned
- resolveMediaFieldsLogical
determine if coded values for media fields are resolved to the actual URL on Amazon S3.
- getRecordCountLogical
if true, count of number of records is returned
- timestampCharacter
timestamp (format yyyy-mm-dd 0h:0m:0s). If blank all records are returned. If not blank only records > timestamp are returned. You can prefix with timestamp value with '>=' to return records greater or equal to the timestamp value
- fieldlistCharacter
a list of the top level form fields that you want to return data from. if blank then data for all form fields are returned.
- returnMediaFileListLogical
specify if an array of media files should be returned - only honored if 'resolveMediaFields' is not true.
- getFormDefinitionLogical
specify if the form definition should also be returned
- resultJSON Object
Returns an object with these properties:
- errorboolean
true if there was an error
- errorTextstring
- hightimestring
date of the last update to any record in the array (format yyyy-dd-mm 0h:0m:0s)
- recordCount
number of records (1 if not paginated and getRecordCount is false)
- pageCount
number of pages of data (1 if not paginated)
- resultarray
- formid
- forminstanceid
- created
date when the form instance was created
- timestamp
date when the form instance was last updated
Get information (meta data and form data) for all form instances of the specified formId in the account associated with the API token.
CURL --insecure -H "apikey:Your_api_key" -H "accept: application/json" "×tamp=value_of_timestamp&fieldList=value_of_fieldList&returnMediaFileList=value_of_returnMediaFileList&getFormDefinition=value_of_getFormDefinition"
var https = require('https'); var options = { protocol: "https:", hostname: "", path: "/transformAPIVersion1.a5svc/GetFormInstancesArrayForFormId/value_of_formId?paginated=value%5fof%5fpaginated&pagesize=value%5fof%5fpagesize&pageNumber=value%5fof%5fpageNumber&mode=value%5fof%5fmode&resolveMediaFields=value%5fof%5fresolveMediaFields&getRecordCount=value%5fof%5fgetRecordCount×tamp=value%5fof%5ftimestamp&fieldList=value%5fof%5ffieldList&returnMediaFileList=value%5fof%5freturnMediaFileList&getFormDefinition=value%5fof%5fgetFormDefinition", headers: {apikey: "Your_api_key"} }; https.get(options, (resp) => { let data = ''; resp.on('data', (chunk) => {data += chunk;}); resp.on('end', () => {console.log(data);}); }).on("error", (err) => {console.log("Error: " + err.message);});
dim apikey as c = "Your_api_key" dim postdata as c dim url as c = "/GetFormInstancesArrayForFormId/value_of_formId?paginated=value%5fof%5fpaginated&pagesize=value%5fof%5fpagesize&pageNumber=value%5fof%5fpageNumber&mode=value%5fof%5fmode&resolveMediaFields=value%5fof%5fresolveMediaFields&getRecordCount=value%5fof%5fgetRecordCount×tamp=value%5fof%5ftimestamp&fieldList=value%5fof%5ffieldList&returnMediaFileList=value%5fof%5freturnMediaFileList&getFormDefinition=value%5fof%5fgetFormDefinition" dim pr as p pr = a5dialogHelper_transformAPIQuery(url,postdata,apikey) if pr.error = .f. then dim result as c result = pr.result else dim errorText as c errorText = pr.errorText end if