TransForm API Reference
A web API for interacting with TransForm from web applications.
All TransForm API access is over HTTPS and accessed from All data is sent and received as JSON.
An API key is required to use the TransForm API and must be included in all calls to the TransForm API.
curl "" \ --header "apikey: {apikey}"
You can generate a TransForm API key in TransForm Central. See Creating an API Key to learn how.
- Name
- Description
- /addUserToTransFormAccount/
Add users to a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /BulkDispatchGetExcelTemplate
Creates an Excel template for a Bulk Dispatch operation. The Excel template is filled in and then uploaded. Data in the uploaded Excel file is used to dispatch forms.
- /BulkDispatchProcessExcelFile
Dispatches forms for each record in an Excel file containing dispatch information. The Excel file must be accessible over the web via URL.
- /BulkUpdate
Perform multiple actions.
- /changeAccountDisplayName
Change the display name for a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /ChangeFormInstanceData/{formInstanceId}
Edit data in an existing form instance specified by the `-formInstanceId-`.
- /ChangeFormInstanceMetaData/{formInstanceId}
Change meta data (e.g. status, person) for an form instance specified by a formInstanceId.
- /ChangeFormInstanceStatus
Change the status of a form instance
- ChangeFormInstanceUserId
Change the UserID (person) of a form instance
- /changeUserDisplayName/{userId}
Change the display name for a user's TransForm account.
- /changeUserOrderInAccount
Change the order in which users are assigned to a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /CreateFormCommandsFromSampleJSON
Takes sample JSON data and returns the form definition commands to create a TransForm form that matches the schema of the sample JSON data. Once you have the form definition commands, you can use the CreateNewFormDefinition method to create a new TransForm form definition.
- /CreateNewFormDefinition
Creates a new TransForm form definition in the account associated with the API key. You can either supply a complete form definition, or just the form definition commands. The form definition commands define the fields on the form. The complete form definition includes the form definition commands, and also defines meta data for the form such as icon, text color, etc. To see an example of the JSON for a complete form definition use the GetFormDefinitionForFormId method.
- /CreateNewFormInstance
Create a new form instance. The form type is specified by the formId. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /createNewUserAccount
Create a new TransForm User account. The user is automatically added to the TransForm account associated with the API key.
- /DeleteFormDefinition/{formId}
Deletes a form definition from a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /DeleteFormInstance/{formInstanceId}
Delete a form instance.
- /deleteUserRolesInAccount/{userIdToDelete}
Delete user roles from a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /DuplicateFormDefinition
Duplicates a TransForm form definition in the account associated with the API key.
- /ExecuteOnSubmitEvents
Fire the onSubmit events (all of the events, or just specified events) for a form instance.
- /GetAccountLicenses
Get a list of the license keys registered for a TransForm account.
- /GetAccountLogins
Get list of users who have used an account in a specified time period.
- /GetAccountStatus
Get the status of a TransForm account
- /getAPIKey
Generates an API key. The generated API key is associated with the same account as the API key that was used to call this method.
- /GetAPIKeys
Get a list of the API keys that have been issued.
- /getAPIScopeCodes
Get a list of API scopes. API scopes are specified when an API key is created. The API scopes define what API methods a particular API key allows.
- /GetFieldsInForm/{formId}
Get a list of the fields in a TransForm form definition. The form must exist in the account associated with the API key.
- /GetFormDataArrayForFormId/{formId}
Get form data for all form instances of the specified formId. You can specify a hightime and only records edited after the specified hightime are returned.
- /GetFormDataForFormInstanceId/{formInstanceId}
Get information about a particular formInstanceId
- /GetFormDefinitionCommandsForFormId/{formId}
Get the commands for a TransForm form. The commands define the fields in the form. The commands are a JSON array of form commands.
- /GetFormDefinitionForFormId/{formId}
Get a form definition. Data includes the form commands which define the form structure.
- /GetFormInstancesArrayForAllForms
Get information (meta data and form data) for all form instances in the account associated with the API token.
- /GetFormInstancesArrayForFormId/{formId}
Get information (meta data and form data) for all form instances of the specified formId in the account associated with the API token.
- /GetFormLookupList
Get the list of choices for a List field in a Form definition.
- /GetFormMediaFieldNamesForFormId/{formId}
Get a list of the media fields in a form definition.
- /GetListOfFormDefinitionsForAccount
Gets a list of the form definitions for an account.
- /GetListOfIntegrationsForAccount
Gets a list of every Connected Application for an account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /getOnDevicesAssetsDefinition
Get the definition of the on-device assets for a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /GetOnSubmitEvent
Get the definition of the onSubmit event for a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /GetRolesInAccount
Get a list of roles for a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /GetUserRolesInAccount/{userId}
Get a list of roles that a user has in a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /getUsersInTransformAccount
Get a list of users in a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /inviteUsers/{accountId}
Invite people to create their own TransForm user accounts. When any of the invitees accept their invitation they are automatically added to the TransForm account associated with the API key.
- /Login
Login to TransForm account.
- /removeUserFromTransFormAccount/{accountToRemoveFrom}
Remove users from a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /RenderFormAsHTML
Renders the data in a TransForm form using a TransForm form definition as the template. By default the same Form definition used to collect the data is used.
- /revokeAPIKey/{apiKeyToRevoke}
Revoke an API key.
- /SendNotificationToUser
Sends a notification via email, SMS, or both to a TransForm user.
- /SetAccountLicenses
Set the license keys for a TransForm account.
- /SetAPIKeyScopes
Set scopes for an API key.
- /SetFormLookupList/{formId}/{fieldName}
Set the list of choices for a List field in a Form definition.
- /SetOnDevicesAssetsDefinition
Sets the on-device assets definition for a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /SetOnSubmitEvent
Sets the onSubmit event definition for a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /setUserRolesInAccount/{userId}
Set a user's roles in a TransForm account. The account is the account associated with the API key.
- /UpdateFormDefinitionCommandsForFormId/{formId}
Updates form definition commands in a TransForm form definition. The form definition commands define the structure of the TransForm form.
- /UpdateFormDefinitionForFormId
Updates a TransForm form definition. Only properties specified in the Form Definition JSON are updated. If a form property is not specified in the input JSON object, the form property is not updated. For example, you may want to update only the form icon. Therefore the formDefinition input parameter (a JSON string) will only define the icon property.
Creating an API Key
To get an API Key for Alpha TransForm:
Click Don't have a username/password? and create an account.
You must use a valid email address.After you sign up, return to the login screen and Sign in.
If prompted, select your account.
After signing in, you'll see the Home tab. Click the Get API Key menu option.
Create an API Key with the permissions you require. Use Ctrl-click to select the desired scope(s). Copy the key and store it in a secure place.
Use Revoke API Key to deactivate an API Key you no longer need.