Security Framework


Alpha Anywhere includes a robust security framework for building secure applications.

Getting Started with Security

Alpha Anywhere's robust Security Framework is easily integrated into any application.

Configuring the Security Framework

Information on configuring the Security Framework.

Managing Users and Groups

The Security Framework uses Groups to control what a User can and cannot access in an application.

Multi-App Security

If your application(s) are configure to use a SQL database backend to store security information, you can use the same security backend for multiple applications.

Alternative login

The Security Framework supports using alternative login and authentication from sites such as Facebook or Google.

General Security

Information on encryption algorithms, password protecting scripts, sending secure emails, and more.


These articles describe common errors and their cause when working with the security framework. Additional troubleshooting articles can be found in our [Troubleshooting & FAQ] section.

Configure Login With Google

Instructions on how to setup a Google Developers Console project to add Login with Google functionality to your application.

Configuring Control Security

Access to individual controls, fields, and menu items in components can be restricted to user groups using the Security Framework.

Enabling the Security Framework with the Quick Setup Genie

The Security Framework Quick Setup Genie can be used to quickly create users, groups, and the components necessary to add authentication to your application.

Two-factor Authentication

Enable Two-factor Authentication to provide a more secure way for users to log into your applications.

Utilities for the Web Security System

Used to verify if the defined security tables can be found.