In-control buttons definition


Define the in-control buttons. For example, there might be a 'Clear button' inside a textbox to allow you to remove all of the text in the control in one go. A filter button can also be added, as can a 'Search' button, or any customized button that you might want. One a button in defined there are several properties that appear to aid in its definition:

The In-control buttons definition opens this builder.

Button Definition Properties

Button position

Specify if the button appears on the left or right side of the textbox.

Button text

The Button text property defines the text that will actually appear on the button. This property is only active when the Type property is set to 'Text'.

Click action

Specify the Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked. You can use the special {this} placeholder to get a pointer to the textbox object. For example an action to clear the contents of the textbox would be:

{this}.value ='';

Icon name

You can place an icon inside of a textbox control that be used for a button. Opening the 'Icon name' property will bring up the Specify Image dialog. Here you can select SVG icons, CSS icons, existing images in the web project folder, Alpha Anywhere's Built-in Images, or a URL for an external Image.

A textbox with an icon for a button

In-line style

Set the in-line style.

Set in-line style to cursor pointer; to get a mouse pointer when the mouse is over a button.


The Name property serves as an identifier for the in-control button, whether it is an icon type button or a text button.

Use 'button' style

Specify if the button should be styled like a standard 'EditButtonGroup' button. For some styles this will cause the button to have a background color and border. However, for other styles (e.g. iOS style) this will not cause any change of appearance. If you check this property, the button will be displayed 'outside' the other buttons that do not have this property checked; regardless of the order in which the button appears in the list.

Button style