
Window Object Methods


Available methods for a Window Object.


To get a window object, use the {dialog.object}.getWindow method:

windowObject.focus Method

Brings the window to the front of the stack if there is more than one window.

windowObject.getWindowId Method

Get the ID for a window part or the window itself.

windowObject.hide Method

Closes a window.

windowObject.maximize Method

Maximize a window.

windowObject.restore Method

Restores a window from its maximized size to its previous size.

windowObject.setButtonDisabled Method

Specifies the enabled state of a button in the window toolbar section.

windowObject.setButtonDisplay Method

Set the visibility of a button in the window toolbar section.

windowObject.setDisplay Method

Set the visibility of parts of the window.

windowObject.setMoveDisabled Method

Enables or disables the ability to move the Window.

windowObject.setPosition Method

Defines where the window should be positioned on screen when shown.

windowObject.setResizeDisabled Method

Enables or disables the ability to resize the Window.

windowObject.setSize Method

Sets the size of the window. Width and height are expressed using css units.

windowObject.setTitle Method

Sets the Window title. Method

Shows a window.

windowObject.toggleMaximize Method

Toggles the maximized state of a window.


var windowObj = {dialog.object}.getWindow('MYWINDOW');

See Also