Could not open OLE object a5contexteval.contexteval


Error running "startup_xdialog_context" could not open OLE object 'a5contexteval.contexteval.

This error message means that some required Alpha Anywhere controls are not registered properly. You can fix this either by reinstalling Alpha Anywhere, or by registering the .OCX files in your Alpha Anywhere program directory as well as a5contexteval.dll, a5controls.dll, and XbasicActiveScripting.dll. This is most conveniently done by navigating to your Alpha Anywhere program directory and running RegisterFiles.bat if you are running Windows XP, or RegisterFilesVistaWin7.bat if you are running a later version of Windows. If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7 with UAC enabled, you will have to run RegisterFilesVistaWin7.bat as Administrator.