Categorized List of Actions



Alpha Anywhere provides the following Categories of actions through the Action Script Genie.

Addin Actions

Actions included:

  • ReportMailer

    Breaks a report in component reports and sends each component as a PDF file attachment.

Alpha Anywhere

Actions included:


Actions included:

  • Branch Command

    Can be used to change the execution of your script based on an expression or the value of a control.

  • Goto Label

    Causes your script to start executing at a label created with the Insert Label Action.

  • Insert Label

    Inserts a label in the list of actions. You can later use the Goto Label Action to jump to it.

Control Panel

Actions included:

Database Utilities

Actions included:

Dialog Boxes

Actions included:


Actions included:

  • Receive an Email Message

    Allows the user to receive email using the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client.

  • Set Email Options

    Allows the user to send email using either the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client, or the user's default email client (e.g. Eudora, Outlook etc.).

  • Send an Email Message

    Displays the Email Settings dialog box, which allows the user to set email settings for the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client.

  • Send a Table or Set

    Lets you select tables or sets to zip up and send by email.

  • Send Selected files

    Lets you select files to send by email as attachments.


Actions included:


Actions included:


Actions included:


Actions included:

  • Multi-Field Quick Sort

    Runs a custom sort defined by the user at run-time.

  • Quick Sort

    Sorts the records in a window, based on the control that currently has focus, or on another explicitly specified control.

  • Run Saved Query

    Sorts records in a window based on search and sort criteria in a previously saved query operation.

  • Select Index Dialog

    Displays the Primary Index or Query dialog, from which the user may select the primary index or query list for the current form or browse.

  • Set Index

    Sets the primary index or query list for a form or browse.

  • Set Record Number Order

    Sets the primary index for a form or browse to record number order.

Menu Commands

Actions included:


Actions included:

Network Optimization

Actions included:

Object Properties (Set and Get)

Actions included:


Actions included:

Reports (Print, Preview, Send, etc)

Actions included:


Actions included:

  • Multi-field Quick Filter

    Displays the Multi-field Quick Filter dialog box, which allows the user to select multiple fields on which to base the filter.

  • Query by Expression

    Displays the Query by Expression dialog, which allows the user to enter a filter and order expression to search for records in a table.

  • Query by Form

    Switches a form to Query by Form mode.

  • Query by Form Clear

    Clears existing Query by Form search criteria from the form.

  • Query by Form Exit

    Exits Query by Form mode and returns to the Form View mode.

  • Query by Form Run

    Performs the query entered in Query by Form mode.

  • Query by Genie

    Displays the Query Genie , allowing the user to enter criteria to search the records in a table.

  • Quick Filter

    Filters records in a window based on the value in the control that currently has focus, or on another explicitly specified control.

  • Run Custom Query

    Queries records based on custom filter and order expressions.

  • Run Saved Query

    Sorts records in a window based on search and sort criteria in a previously saved query operation.

  • Show All Records

    Turns off the current query and shows all records in the table.

Record Navigation

Actions included:


Actions included:


Actions included:

SQL (Using AlphaDAO)

Actions included:


Actions included:

Window Commands

Actions included:


Actions included:

Xdialog Windows

Actions included: