Categorized List of Actions
- Addin Actions
- ReportMailer
- Alpha Anywhere
- Exit Alpha Anywhere
- Open another Database
- Maximize main Alpha Anywhere window
- Minimize main Alpha Anywhere window
- Restore main Alpha Anywhere window
- Branching
- Branch Command
- Goto Label
- Insert Label
- Control Panel
- Control Panel Hide
- Control Panel Maximize
- Control Panel Minimize
- Control Panel Restore
- Control Panel Set Focus
- Control Panel Show
- Database Utilities
- Backup Database Dialog Box
- Pack Tables
- Refresh Passive-Link Tables
- Restore Database Dialog Box
- Run a Custom Backup Job
- Run One-Step Backup
- Update Indexes
- Zap Empty Table
- Dialog Boxes
- Display a Message Box
- Display an XDialog Box
- Open a Form as a Dialog Box
- Prompt for Text
- Prompt for a Number
- Prompt for a Password
- Prompt for a Date
- Prompt for a Folder Name
- Prompt for a Filename
- Prompt for an Expression
- Prompt for an Order Expression
- Prompt for a Filter Expression
- Prompt for a Field Name
- Prompt Using Radio Button Dialog
- Prompt Using Check Box List Box
- Prompt Using List Box Dialog
- Quick Dialog
- Wait Dialog - Close
- Wait Dialog - Open
- Wait Dialog - Set Percentage
- Receive an Email Message
- Set Email Options
- Send an Email Message
- Send a Table or Set
- Send Selected files
- Fields
- Add Text to Memo Field
- Add Text to RTF Memo Field
- Clear Fields
- Dial Phone Number in Field
- Get Field Values (into Variables)
- Inspect Memo or Image Field
- Select Text in a Field
- Set Field Values
- Set Image File Name in Linked Image Field
- Set Insertion Point in a Field
- Spell-check Fields
- Find/Locate
- Find by Key
- Find by Key Dialog (Standard)
- Find by Key Dialog (Custom)
- Locate Text
- Locate Text Dialog
- Find by Form
- Form/Browse
- Activate a Form/Browse Window
- Allow Edits
- Close Form/Browse
- Disallow Edits
- Mail Merge with Microsoft Word
- Navigator
- Open Default Form or Browse
- Open Form or Browse Layout
- Quick Export to Excel
- Refresh Display
- Set Modal Data Entry Style?
- Set Modeless Data Entry Style
- Swap Form in Window
- Toggle Form or Browse Mode
- Zoom to Record
- Index/Sort
- Multi-Field Quick Sort
- Quick Sort
- Run Saved Query
- Select Index Dialog
- Set Index
- Set Record Number Order
- Menu Commands
- Select Action from the Form Menu
- Select action from the Control Panel
- Miscellaneous
- Display Help Topic
- Open a non-Alpha Anywhere File
- Open a URL
- Play Sound
- Run Another Program
- Send Keys
- Switch to Another non-Alpha Anywhere Window
- Network Optimization
- Refresh Shadow Database
- Object Properties (Set and Get)
- Activate an Object
- Disable Objects
- Enable Objects
- Get Properties of Objects
- Get 'Text' Property of Objects
- Get 'Value' Property of Objects
- Hide Objects
- Refresh Objects
- Set Border Style of Objects
- Set Fill Style of Objects
- Set Font Property of Objects
- Set Properties of Objects
- Set 'Text' Property of Objects
- Set 'Value' Property of Objects
- Show Objects
- Operations
- Create Operation
- Run Saved Operation
- Reports (Print, Preview, Send, etc)
- Archive a Layout
- Display Print Current Record Dialog
- Display Print/Send Selected Records Dialog
- Override Default Filename for Print to File
- Override Default Printer
- Preview a Layout
- Print a Layout
- Restore Default Filename for Print to File
- Restore Default Printer
- Save a Layout to a File
- Send a Layout via Email
- Query
- Multi-field Quick Filter
- Query by Expression
- Query by Form
- Query by Form Clear
- Query by Form Exit
- Query by Form Run
- Query by Genie
- Quick Filter
- Run Custom Query
- Run Saved Query
- Show All Records
- Record Navigation
- Goto First Record
- Goto New Record
- Goto Last Record
- Goto Next Record
- Goto Previous Record
- Goto Record Key
- Goto Record Number
- Records
- Cancel Changes
- Change Record
- Copy Previous Field
- Copy Previous Record
- Delete Record
- Duplicate Record
- Enter New Record
- Mark Record
- Save Record
- UnMark Record
- Xbasic Change Record
- Xbasic Enter Record
- Xbasic View Record
- Scripts
- Display a Pick-List of Scripts
- Display Manage Script Favorites Dialog
- Display Script Favorites Pick-List
- Run a Script
- SQL (Using AlphaDAO)
- Close Connection to SQL Database
- Connect to SQL Database
- Execute DELETE Query on a SQL Database
- Execute INSERT Query on a SQL Database
- Execute SELECT Query on a SQL Database
- Execute UPDATE Query on a SQL Database
- Variables
- Dim Variables
- Set Variable to Constant or Expression Result
- Set Variables to Field Statistics - External Table
- Set Variables to Field Statistics - Fields on a Form
- Set Variables to Field Values - External Table
- Set Variables to Field Values - Fields on a Form
- Set Variables to Form/Browse Window Info
- Set Variables to Object Properties
- Set Variables to Object Text Property
- Window Commands
- Activate Window
- Close Window
- Disable Window
- Enable Window
- Hide Window
- Maximize Window
- Minimize Window
- Position Window
- Restore Window
- Set Z Order of Window
- Show Window
- Xbasic
- Cancel Event
- End Script
- Inline Xbasic
- Turn Hourglass On
- Turn Hourglass Off
- Wait for Idle
- Xbasic Debugger Off
- Xbasic Debugger On
- Xdialog Windows
- Display Xdialog Form based on ADO/ODBC Data
- Display an XDialog Box
Alpha Anywhere provides the following Categories of actions through the Action Script Genie.
Addin Actions
Actions included:
Breaks a report in component reports and sends each component as a PDF file attachment.
Alpha Anywhere
Actions included:
Exit Alpha Anywhere
Closes the Alpha Anywhere application.
Open another Database
Closes the current database and opens another.
Maximize main Alpha Anywhere window
Maximizes the top-level Alpha Anywhere window so that it fills the entire screen.
Minimize main Alpha Anywhere window
Minimizes the top-level Alpha Anywhere window so that it and it's contents do not appear on the screen.
Restore main Alpha Anywhere window
Restores the Alpha Anywhere window to its previous size.
Actions included:
Branch Command
Can be used to change the execution of your script based on an expression or the value of a control.
Goto Label
Causes your script to start executing at a label created with the Insert Label Action.
Insert Label
Inserts a label in the list of actions. You can later use the Goto Label Action to jump to it.
Control Panel
Actions included:
Control Panel Hide
Hides the Control Panel.
Control Panel Maximize
Maximizes the Control Panel.
Control Panel Minimize
Minimizes the Control Panel.
Control Panel Restore
Restores the Control Panel window to its previous state.
Control Panel Set Focus
Activates the Control Panel.
Control Panel Show
Displays the Control Panel after it has been hidden.
Database Utilities
Actions included:
Backup Database Dialog Box
Displays the Backup Database dialog box, which lets you run and/or save a backup operation.
Pack Tables
Allows you to pack tables in your database. This will delete records marked for removal and compress memo files.
Refresh Passive-Link Tables
Refreshes Passive-Link Tables
Restore Database Dialog Box
Displays the Restore Database dialog box, which asks the user to specify a folder and to select a backup zip file from those that the folder contains.
Run a Custom Backup Job
Creates a zip file to backup your database.
Run One-Step Backup
Runs a previously saved One-Step backup operation, created with the Backup Database dialog.
Update Indexes
Updates the indexes for specified tables.
Zap Empty Table
Empties all records from a table.
Dialog Boxes
Actions included:
Display a Message Box
Automates the process of creating message boxes.
Display an XDialog Box
Greatly simplifies the construction process of Xdialog boxes.
Open a Form as a Dialog Box
Provides a alternative approach to displaying a dialog.
Prompt for Text
Prompts the user for text and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Number
Prompts the user for a password and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Password
Prompts the user for a password and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Date
Prompts the user for a date and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Folder Name
Prompts the user for a path and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Filename
Prompts the user for a filename and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for an Expression
Prompts the user for an expression and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for an Order Expression
Prompts the user for an order expression and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Filter Expression
Prompts the user for an filter expression and stores it in a variable.
Prompt for a Field Name
Prompts the user for an field name and stores it in a variable.
Prompt Using Radio Button Dialog
Prompts the user with a list of radio button choices and records the selected button in a text variable.
Prompt Using Check Box List Box
Prompts the user with a list of options and stores the result in a text variable.
Prompt Using List Box Dialog
Prompts the user with a list of options and stores the result in a text variable.
Quick Dialog
Displays a selection dialog box in any of three styles, using radio buttons, a tree control, or a list box.
Wait Dialog - Close
Hides a wait dialog.
Wait Dialog - Open
Displays a wait dialog.
Wait Dialog - Set Percentage
Sets the messages and percentage parameters of the wait dialog.
Actions included:
Receive an Email Message
Allows the user to receive email using the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client.
Set Email Options
Allows the user to send email using either the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client, or the user's default email client (e.g. Eudora, Outlook etc.).
Send an Email Message
Displays the Email Settings dialog box, which allows the user to set email settings for the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client.
Send a Table or Set
Lets you select tables or sets to zip up and send by email.
Send Selected files
Lets you select files to send by email as attachments.
Actions included:
Add Text to Memo Field
Adds text at any location in a memo field.
Add Text to RTF Memo Field
Adds text at any location in an RTF memo field.
Clear Fields
Clears the contents of specified fields on a form or browse.
Dial Phone Number in Field
Dials a phone number from a field in an open form or browse window using Alpha Anywhere's phone dialer.
Get Field Values (into Variables)
Retrieves the "Value" properties of object(s) on a form or browse into variables.
Inspect Memo or Image Field
Displays the contents of a memo or image field.
Select Text in a Field
Highlights text in a form or browse window.
Set Field Values
Enters values into one or more fields on a form or browse layout.
Set Image File Name in Linked Image Field
Specifies the image filename for a linked image field.
Set Insertion Point in a Field
Places the cursor to a specified location in a field.
Spell-check Fields
Spell checks specified fields and records.
Actions included:
Find by Key
Searches for records matching a specified key value.
Find by Key Dialog (Standard)
Displays the Find by Key dialog.
Find by Key Dialog (Custom)
Displays the Find by Key dialog. It allows you to customize the settings of the dialog or leave them up to the user.
Locate Text
Finds text in a form or browse.
Locate Text Dialog
Displays the Locate dialog that allows the reader to search for text.
Find by Form
Displays the Find By Form dialog box.
Actions included:
Activate a Form/Browse Window
Gives focus to an open window.
Allow Edits
Allows the user to enter and edit records in the current or another specified form.
Close Form/Browse
Closes the current window, or another form or browse window.
Disallow Edits
Prevents the user from making any changes to records in the specified form or browse window.
Mail Merge with Microsoft Word
Exports records to the Microsoft Word Mail Merge function.
Displays a small, modeless, pop-up window which allows users to quickly give focus to a particular field on a form.
Open Default Form or Browse
Opens the default form or browse window for a table or set.
Open Form or Browse Layout
Opens a form or browse.
Quick Export to Excel
Exports the current selection of records to Excel and then opens Excel with the records loaded into a new worksheet.
Refresh Display
Refreshes all the data displayed in the current or another specified window.
Set Modal Data Entry Style?
Changes data entry style of a specified form or browse to Modal.
Set Modeless Data Entry Style
Changes data entry style of a specified form or browse to Modeless.
Swap Form in Window
Opens a different form for the current record in a new window.
Toggle Form or Browse Mode
Switches between the form and browse views of a table or set.
Zoom to Record
Opens the form view of the current record in an embedded browse.
Actions included:
Multi-Field Quick Sort
Runs a custom sort defined by the user at run-time.
Quick Sort
Sorts the records in a window, based on the control that currently has focus, or on another explicitly specified control.
Run Saved Query
Sorts records in a window based on search and sort criteria in a previously saved query operation.
Select Index Dialog
Displays the Primary Index or Query dialog, from which the user may select the primary index or query list for the current form or browse.
Set Index
Sets the primary index or query list for a form or browse.
Set Record Number Order
Sets the primary index for a form or browse to record number order.
Menu Commands
Actions included:
Select Action from the Form Menu
Allows an object to run one of the actions listed in the form's menu.
Select action from the Control Panel
Allows an object to run one of the actions listed in the Control Panel 's menu.
Actions included:
Display Help Topic
Opens a help file (Windows .HLP or .CHM formats or an Alpha 5 help file) to display a topic to the user.
Open a non-Alpha Anywhere File
Opens a file with its Windows associated application.
Open a URL
Launches the user's browser and opens the specified URL.
Play Sound
Plays a specified .WAV sound file.
Run Another Program
Executes another program outside of Alpha Anywhere.
Send Keys
Specifies keystrokes to send to Alpha Anywhere or another application.
Switch to Another non-Alpha Anywhere Window
Sets focus to another non-Alpha Anywhere window.
Network Optimization
Actions included:
Refresh Shadow Database
Refreshes the current database if it is a shadow database.
Object Properties (Set and Get)
Actions included:
Activate an Object
Gives focus to an object in an open window.
Disable Objects
Renders objects unable to receive focus.
Enable Objects
Allows previously disabled objects to receive focus.
Get Properties of Objects
Retrieves specified properties of one or more object(s) on a form or browse.
Get 'Text' Property of Objects
Retrieves the 'Text' property of one or more object(s) on a form or browse.
Get 'Value' Property of Objects
Retrieves the 'Value' property of one or more object(s) on a form or browse.
Hide Objects
Hides objects on a window.
Refresh Objects
Refreshes the displayed contents of one or more objects.
Set Border Style of Objects
Sets the border attributes of one or more objects.
Set Fill Style of Objects
Sets the fill properties of one or more objects.
Set Font Property of Objects
Sets the font attributes of one or more objects.
Set Properties of Objects
Sets specified properties of one or more field, text or button objects.
Set 'Text' Property of Objects
Sets the text that is displayed by one or more objects.
Set 'Value' Property of Objects
Sets the 'Value' property of one or more object(s) on a form or browse.
Show Objects
Reveals objects previously hidden in a window.
Actions included:
Create Operation
Allows the user to create a new Alpha Anywhere operation.
Run Saved Operation
Allows you to run a previously created operation.
Reports (Print, Preview, Send, etc)
Actions included:
Archive a Layout
Allows you to print, preview, email, or save a layout in a variety of formats.
Display Print Current Record Dialog
Displays the Print Current Record dialog box, which allows the user to print, preview, email, or save the current record using any layout they choose.
Display Print/Send Selected Records Dialog
Displays the Print Layout Genie allowing the user to print, preview, email, or save the selected record using any layout they choose.
Override Default Filename for Print to File
Sets the default filename for print to file.
Override Default Printer
Allows you to set any available printer to be the default printer.
Preview a Layout
Allows you to print, preview, email, or save a layout in a variety of formats.
Print a Layout
Allows you to print, preview, email, or save a layout in a variety of formats.
Restore Default Filename for Print to File
Restores the default filename for print to file.
Restore Default Printer
Restores the default printer for your computer.
Save a Layout to a File
Allows you to print, preview, email, or save a layout in a variety of formats.
Send a Layout via Email
Allows you to print, preview, email, or save a layout in a variety of formats.
Actions included:
Multi-field Quick Filter
Displays the Multi-field Quick Filter dialog box, which allows the user to select multiple fields on which to base the filter.
Query by Expression
Displays the Query by Expression dialog, which allows the user to enter a filter and order expression to search for records in a table.
Query by Form
Switches a form to Query by Form mode.
Query by Form Clear
Clears existing Query by Form search criteria from the form.
Query by Form Exit
Exits Query by Form mode and returns to the Form View mode.
Query by Form Run
Performs the query entered in Query by Form mode.
Query by Genie
Displays the Query Genie , allowing the user to enter criteria to search the records in a table.
Quick Filter
Filters records in a window based on the value in the control that currently has focus, or on another explicitly specified control.
Run Custom Query
Queries records based on custom filter and order expressions.
Run Saved Query
Sorts records in a window based on search and sort criteria in a previously saved query operation.
Show All Records
Turns off the current query and shows all records in the table.
Record Navigation
Actions included:
Goto First Record
Displays the first record in current index/query order.
Goto New Record
Displays a new, empty record for the user.
Goto Last Record
Displays the last record in current index/query order.
Goto Next Record
Displays the next record in current index/query order.
Goto Previous Record
Displays the previous record in current index/query order.
Goto Record Key
Displays the records matching a key value.
Goto Record Number
Displays a specified record number based on the current index/query order.
Actions included:
Cancel Changes
Removes all edits made to the current record.
Change Record
Allows the user to make changes to the current record.
Copy Previous Field
Copies the value for the corresponding field in the previous record.
Copy Previous Record
Copies information from the last record viewed into a new record.
Delete Record
Deletes the current record.
Duplicate Record
Creates a duplicate copy of the current record.
Enter New Record
Creates and displays a new, empty record for the user.
Mark Record
Marks the current record.
Save Record
Saves the current record.
UnMark Record
Unmarks the current record.
Xbasic Change Record
Changes the contents of a record without opening a form or browse.
Xbasic Enter Record
Adds a record without opening a form or browse.
Xbasic View Record
Displays a window displaying the chosen fields of a specified record.
Actions included:
Display a Pick-List of Scripts
Displays a pick-list dialog box, pop-up list, or toolbar of pre-written scripts.
Display Manage Script Favorites Dialog
Displays the Manage Script Favorites dialog box that allows you to edit your list of favorite scripts.
Display Script Favorites Pick-List
Displays script favorites in the Select Script to Run dialog box, toolbar, or pop-up menu.
Run a Script
Runs an Xbasic script.
SQL (Using AlphaDAO)
Actions included:
Close Connection to SQL Database
Closes a connection to a back-end SQL database.
Connect to SQL Database
Opens a connection to a back-end SQL database.
Execute DELETE Query on a SQL Database
Executes a SQL DELETE query against a back-end SQL database.
Execute INSERT Query on a SQL Database
Executes a SQL INSERT query against a back-end SQL database.
Execute SELECT Query on a SQL Database
Executes a SQL SELECT query against a back-end SQL database.
Execute UPDATE Query on a SQL Database
Executes a SQL UPDATE query against a back-end SQL database.
Actions included:
Dim Variables
Identifies variables dimensioned outside the current action script.
Set Variable to Constant or Expression Result
Stores a constant or expression result in a variable.
Set Variables to Field Statistics - External Table
Retrieves statistical information (such as the count, minimum, maximum, average, and variance) about an external table's field or expression.
Set Variables to Field Statistics - Fields on a Form
Retrieves statistical information (such as the count, minimum, maximum, average, and variance) about a form's field or expression.
Set Variables to Field Values - External Table
Retrieves values of fields in a record in an external table.
Set Variables to Field Values - Fields on a Form
Retrieves field values on a form or browse.
Set Variables to Form/Browse Window Info
Retrieves various kinds of information about a window.
Set Variables to Object Properties
Retrieves the values of properties of object(s) on a form or browse.
Set Variables to Object Text Property
Retrieves text properties of one or more object(s) on a form or browse.
Window Commands
Actions included:
Activate Window
Sets focus to a window.
Close Window
Closes a window.
Disable Window
Makes a window unable to receive focus.
Enable Window
Allows a window to receive focus.
Hide Window
Hides a window.
Maximize Window
Maximizes a window.
Minimize Window
Minimizes a window.
Position Window
Places a window a specific location.
Restore Window
Restores a window to its normal state after being minimized or maximized.
Set Z Order of Window
Repositions a window to the top or bottom of the stack of visible windows, or underneath a specified window.
Show Window
Displays a hidden window.
Actions included:
Cancel Event
Cancels a form event if a condition is not met.
End Script
Ends the current script.
Inline Xbasic
Inserts Xbasic into a script.
Turn Hourglass On
Changes the cursor to hourglass mode.
Turn Hourglass Off
Changes the cursor back to normal.
Wait for Idle
Temporarily pauses Alpha Anywhere while the user interface is being displayed.
Xbasic Debugger Off
Disables debugging of Xbasic code.
Xbasic Debugger On
Enables debugging of Xbasic code.
Xdialog Windows
Actions included:
Display Xdialog Form based on ADO/ODBC Data
Displays data from an external ADO or ODBC compliant database.
Display an XDialog Box
Greatly simplifies the construction process of Xdialog boxes.