Result Variable - Xdialog


When you close a dialog box, the Result Variable contains the label of the button that was pressed to close the dialog. This lets you know which button the user pressed to close the dialog.

For example, assume that your dialog has two buttons labeled "OK" and "Cancel". If the user clicks on the "OK" button, the result variable will contain "OK". If the user clicks on "Cancel", the result variable will contain "Cancel". If the user closes the dialog by clicking on the X on the title bar, the result variable will contain a NULL string ("").

Typically the OK and Cancel button labels on a dialog are "&OK" and "&Cancel". (The "&" indicates the accelerator letter). If your button labels include the "&" character, note that the result variable will also include this character. For example, the result variable will contain "&OK".

You can specify the scope of the result variable.

See Also