Geographic Data


Working with and storing geographic data in databases.

Geographic Databases

Covers what makes good geographic data, what nomenclature is used for geographic data, and how to create a table with geographic data.

Portable SQL Functions for Geographies

These functions are only available from Alpha Anywhere when Portable SQL is used. They are intended to insulate you from the differences between the native SQL geography implementations in the supported databases.

Common Geography Database Tasks

Information on a variety of tasks including getting table information for geometry columns, defining a geography column in a SQL table, creating a location, line, or polygon in portable SQL. This page also looks at the conversion of geography objects to well-known formats, comparing geographic objects using SQL, and returning database values into a geography object.

SQL Geography Examples

A simple portable SQL query using SQL::ResultSet::DataAsGeography, and an interactive session demonstrating DataAsGeography

DB2-specific Geography Tasks

DB2 examples for creating and dropping tables with geometry columns, inserting location data values, inserting line data values, and inserting polygon data values.

MySQL-specific Geography Tasks

MySQL examples for creating and dropping tables with geometry columns, inserting location data values, inserting line data values, and inserting polygon data values.

Oracle-specific Geography Tasks

Oracle examples for creating and dropping tables with geometry columns, inserting location data values, inserting line data values, and inserting polygon data values.

PostgreSQL-specific Geography Tasks

PostreSQL examples for database creation, creating and dropping tables with geometry columns, inserting location data values, inserting line data values, and polygon data values.

SQL Server-specific Geography Tasks

SQL Server examples for creating and dropping tables with geometry columns, inserting location data values, inserting line data values, and inserting polygon data values.

How to bulk geocode addresses in a database

Write an Xbasic script that loops over all data and updates fields for DBF and SQL tables.