Creating Your First Action Script
To follow the examples in this tutorial, open the Learning Action Scripting workspace stored in the "Learning Action Scripting" folder in the main folder where you installed Alpha Anywhere.
The "Learning Action Scripting" workspace is used by many of the tutorials in the Introduction to Action Scripting (Desktop) guide. In order to follow along with the examples, the "Learning Action Scripting" workspace needs to be copied from the installation folder to a folder in your documents directory.
The steps below explain how this is done.
Navigate to the folder where Alpha Anywhere is installed. The default installation directory is typically \Program Files (x86)\a5V12.
Locate the Learning Action Scripting folder. Select the folder and copy it.
Next, open your user Documents folder. Paste the copied "Learning Action Scripting" folder here.
After the folder has been copied, navigate inside the "Learning Action Scripting" directory that you created and double-click on the Learn Action Scripting.adb file to open the workspace. Alpha Anywhere should launch and open the project.
After a workspace is opened in Alpha Anywhere, it will be availalbe in the Select Workspace dialog, which is shown on startup or when the Recent Workspaces dialog is opened from the Alpha Anywhere toolbar (all opened workspaces must be closed before the Recent Workspaces button is availabe on the Alpha Anywhere toolbar.)
To see the list of recent workspaces, select the Open an existing Workspace option in the Select Workspace dialog. If your workspace is not listed, you can use the More Workspaces... option to navigate to where you copied the "Learning Action Scripting" workspace.
Desktop Applications Only