HtmlHost Example 1: Hosting Xdialog Controls

The new {htmlhost} control differs from the {html} control in that it can host Xdialog controls.

HtmlHost Example 2: Vertical Sizer

A vertical sizer can be created in an htmlhost area by adding a div that has the following attributes defined:

HtmlHost Example 3: Horizontal Sizer

Like the Vertical Sizer, a5:target, a5:target_elem and a5:target_adjust must be defined. In addition to these, it is important to note that in the enclosing DIV style of "height:100%; flow:horizontal;", the flow:horizontal; portion causes the enclosed divs to flow left to right instead of top to bottom as they normally would.

HtmlHost Example 4: Creating a htmlhost with Horizontal and Vertical Sizers

This example demonstrates a horizontal & a vertical slider an htmlhost region. Htmlhost is an xdialog construct that allows you to wrap Html style text within an xdialog control. While you can also place html inside an xdialog wrapper, htmlhost gives you much further ability to interact with the Xdialog; allowing you to embed additional xdialog within the html style text within an xdialog wrapper. So for example, if you have an xdialog listbox that you wanted to put inside a <div>, htmlhost would allow you to do this. If you wanted to lay out an Xdialog the same way you would a table in Html, htmlhost will allow you to do this as well. In using htmlhost the HTML styling runs in background and the controls pop up in the foreground.

HtmlHost Example 5: Dynamically styled Html (a5:style tag)

Similar to conditional expressions, enable/disable and show/hide expressions , a5:style allows the style of an htmlhost tag to be a calculated value. In this example, which is an adaptation of the first example, we cause changes to the color that is selected from the color list to be used as the background color for the last column in the HTML table. Also, a checkbox has been added to toggle the visibility of the firstname and lastname embedded controls.

HtmlHost Xdialog command

Similar to conditional expressions, enable/disable and show/hide expressions , a5:style allows the style of an htmlhost tag to be a calculated value.