Client-side Events
Pages relating to client-side Events in the Grid Builder.
- Name
- Description
- afterAjaxCallbackComplete
Fires after any Ajax callback has completed and the Browser has received a response from the server.
- afterAlphabetButtonSearch
Fires after the user has executed an Alphabet button search in the Grid Part.
- afterDetailViewCancelEdits
Fires after user has cancelled edits in the Detail View part.
- afterDetailViewClose
Fires after the Detail View has been closed.
- afterDetailViewDeleteRecord
Fires after the user has deleted a record in the Detail View.
- afterDetailViewNewRecord
Fires after the user has clicked a hyperlink or button to enter a new record in the Detail View.
- afterDetailViewOpen
Fires after the Detail View for a record is shown.
- afterDetailViewSubmit
Fires after the user has submitted edits made to a record in the Detail View.
- afterDetailViewSwitchFromEditable
Fires when the user has switched the current record in the Detail View from editable to not editable. Only fires if the Detail View is set to edit on demand.
- afterDetailViewSwitchToEditable
Fires when the user has switched the current record in the Detail View to be editable. Only fires if Detail View is set to edit on demand.
- afterGridCancelEdits
Fires after the user has cancelled edits in the Grid Part by clicking on the Cancel button.
- afterGridSubmit
Fires after the user has submitted edits to the Grid Part and the server has processed the data.
- afterLookupGridFillinValues
Fires after a record has been selected from a Lookup Grid and the values from the Lookup Grid have been filled into the Parent Grid.
- afterNamedLayoutSelect
Fires after the user has changed the current named Layout.
- afterOpenLookup
Fires after the user has opened a Lookup Grid window.
- afterPageNavigate
Fires after the user has navigated to a new page of records.
- afterQBEHide
Fires after the user has hidden the Query by Example (QBE) row.
- afterQBESearch
Fires after the user has performed a Query by Example (QBE) search.
- afterQBEShow
Fires after the user has shown the Query by Example (QBE) row.
- afterQuickSearch
Fires after the user has performed a Quick Search.
- afterRowCancelEdits
Fires after the user cancels edits on a Grid row.
- afterRowCollapse
Fires after the user collapses a row expander.
- afterRowDelete
Fires after the user deletes a record by clicking the "Delete Record" button in a Grid row.
- afterRowExpand
Fires after the user expands a row expander section.
- afterRowPopulate
Fires after the Javascript grid method that populates a row as fired. Does not fire when a Grid is initialized.
- afterRowSubmit
Fires after the user clicks the submit row button for a Grid Row and the server has processed the request.
- afterRowSwitchFromEditable
Fires when the user has switched a row to non-editable mode. Grid must be set to 'Edit on Demand'.
- afterRowSwitchToEditable
Fires when the user has switched a row to editable mode. Grid must be set to 'Edit on Demand'.
- afterSavedSearchLoaded
Fires after the user loads Search Part criteria that were previously saved.
- afterSearchClear
Fires after the user has cleared the Search part.
- afterSearchSaved
Fires after the user saves the Search Part criteria.
- afterSearchSubmit
Fires after the user has clicked the submit button on the Search part and the server has processed the request.
- afterSetRowsPerPage
Fires after the user has changed the number of records per page displayed in the Grid.
- afterSort
Fires after the user has sorted the records in the Grid by clicking on a column title.
- beforeAjaxCallback
Fires before any Ajax callback is made to the server. This event can be used to put up a "working" message while the callback is executing.
- beforeAutoRefresh
Fires when an auto-refresh of the Grid occurs.
- beforeHTMLReportExport
Fires when the user clicks a toolbar button to export an HTML report to PDF, Excel, Word, or text.
- canAlphabetButtonSearch
Fires when the user tries to perform an Alphabet button search. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewCancelEdits
Fires when the user tries to cancel edits in the Detail View. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewClose
Fires when the user tries to close the Detail View. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewDeleteRecord
Fires when the user tries to delete a record in the Detail View. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewNewRecord
Fires when the user tries to enter a new record in the Detail View. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewOpen
Fires when the user tries to display the Detail View for a row in the Grid Part. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewSubmit
Fires when the user tries to submit edits made to a record in the Detail View. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewSwitchFromEditable
Fires when the user tries to switch the Detail View from editable mode to non-editable mode. This event is only available if the Detail View is set to 'edit on demand'. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canDetailViewSwitchToEditable
Fires when the user tries to switch the Detail View to editable mode. This event is only available if the Detail View is set to 'edit on demand'. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canGridCancelEdits
Fires when the user tries to cancel edits made to the Grid. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canGridSubmit
Fires when the user tries to submit all changes made to records in the Grid by clicking the "Submit" button. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canLookupGridSelectRow
Fires before the user selects a row in a Lookup Grid. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canNamedLayoutSelect
Fires when the user tries to change the named Layout. This event is only available if layout designs are enabled. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canNewRowsShow
Fires when the user tries to show the new record rows in the Grid Part. The Grid must be configured to show new record rows on demand. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canOpenLookup
Fires when the user tries to open the Lookup Grid window. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canPageNavigate
Fires when the user tries to navigate to another page of records. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canQBEHide
Fires when the user tries to close the Query by Example (QBE) row. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canQBESearch
Fires when the user tries to do a Query by Example (QBE) search. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canQBEShow
Fires when the user tries to show the Query by Example (QBE) row. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canQuickSearch
Fires when the user tries to perform a Quick Search. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowCancelEdits
Fires when the user tries to cancel edits made to an individual row in the Grid. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowCollapse
Fires when the user tries to collapse an open row expander. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowDelete
Fires when the user tries to delete a row. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowExpand
Fires when the user tries to expand a closed row expander. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowSubmit
Fires when the user tries to submit changes to a row. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowSwitchFromEditable
Fires when the user switches the row to non-editable mode. The Grid's Row edit style property must be set to 'edit on demand'. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canRowSwitchToEditable
Fires when the user switches the row to editable mode. The Grid's Row edit style property must be set to 'edit on demand'. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canClearSearch
Fires when the user tries to clear the search criteria in the Search Part. If the event returns false, the clear action will be cancelled.
- canSearchSubmit
Fires when the user tries to perform a search by clicking the Search button or when a control triggers an "auto-submit" in the Search Part. If the event returns false, the clear action will be cancelled.
- canSetRowsPerPage
Fires when the user tries to set the number of rows per page. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- canSort
Fires when the user tries to sort the Grid by clicking on a column title. If the event returns false, the action is cancelled.
- Desktop Applications and Working Preview - Client- side Xbasic
HTML events in a Grid (e.g. a control's onClick, onChange, onBlur, etc.) events are typically handled using Javascript functions. Now, in the case where you are using a Grid on the Desktop (which includes Working Preview mode), the function that is called to handle the event can either be defined using Javascript or Xbasic.
- onAjaxCallbackFailed
The onAjaxCallbackFailed will fire if the server does not send a response back to the client within the default timeout period that the client waits for a response.
- onDetailViewRender
Fires after the Detail View has been rendered.
- onDetailViewStateChange
Fires when the Detail View state has changed. Possible states are 'view', 'change', and 'enter'.
- onGridInitializeComplete
Fires after the Grid has been completely initialized and all HTML has been rendered. Does not fire on subsequent Ajax callbacks.
- onGridRefresh
Fires when the Grid has been refreshed.
- onGridRender
Fires after all of the records in the Grid Part have been rendered but before any system JavaScript events are triggered. Contrast with onGridRenderComplete which fires after all system JavaScript events are triggered.
- onGridRenderComplete
The very last event to fire after the Grid has been completely rendered and all system JavaScript events have fired. Contrast with onGridRender which fires before all system JavaScript events are fired.
- onGridRowCheck
Fires when the checkbox is checked or unchecked in a Grid Component with a checkbox column.
- onGridStateChange
Fires when the state of the Grid has changed.
- onImageError
Fires when an image in an element was not found. The e object passed in has an 'element' property.
- onNewRowsHide
Fires when the user hides the new record rows in the Grid Part. The Grid must have been set to only show new record rows on demand.
- onNewRowsShow
Fires when the user has shown the new record rows in the Grid Part. The Grid must have been set to only show new record rows on demand.
- onObjectInitialize
Fires after the Grid object has been initialized. This event can be used to override settings defined in the Grid object.
- onRowBlur
Fires when a Grid row loses focus.
- onRowFocus
Fires when a Grid row gets focus. This event is only available for editable Grids.
- onRowRefresh
Fires when a Grid row is refreshed.
- onRowRender
Fires when a Grid row is rendered.
- onRowSelect
Fires when a Grid row is selected.
- onRowStateChange
Fires when the state of a Grid row has changed. Possible states are 'view', 'change', and 'enter'.
- onSearchRender
Fires after the Search Part has been rendered.
- Using Xbasic to Read and Write to a Table
The new Alpha Anywhere developer eventually comes to the point where he or she would like to write a script that directly reads from and writes to a table. This topic provides a couple of simple examples that you can elaborate upon. The are based on the Customer table in the AlphaSports sample database.
- Validating User Input with Xbasic
Frequently you will wish to force a user's input to a form field to be non-blank, within a range, or one of several values. You can achieve these effects with Field Rules, but you can also code them with Xbasic.
- webSocketOnMessage
Fires when a web socket server message is received.
- webSocketSendMessageFail
Fires if an attempt was made to send a message to the web socket server, but the message was not sent.
- webSocketServerClose
Fires when the web socket server is closed.
Two videos show how you can use client-side events to put up a simple "sorting ..." message while the Ajax callback is taking place after the user has clicked on a column heading to sort the grid.