Other Properties
Miscellaneous properties for configuring an Linked Grid, UX, .a5w page, or other object embedded in the Grid Layout using the Linked Grid control.
- Name
- Description
- Break
Force a column break before, after, or both before and after this control.
- Cell in-line style
Specify style attributes that override the settings inherited from the style sheet.
- Column heading
Specify the column heading
- Column Span
Set the number of columns that the control will span.
- Freeform layout
Specify if this row should display just this field, or allow a freeform layout.
- Freeform template
Specify the layout template for this row
- Heading in-line style
Specify style attributes that override the settings inherited from the style sheet.
- Heading prefix
Specify text or an image that should be displayed to the left of the column heading. You can use HTML tags in the text.
- Hide column
Do not display this column in the Grid. (Note: The control in this column can still be displayed in another column if you convert that column to a freeform layout.)
- Hide row
Do not display this control in the Form.
- Label Bubble Help Text
Enter the text to show up as Bubble Help when the user hovers over the label.
- Label prefix
Specify text or an image that should be displayed to the left of the row label. You can use HTML tags in the text.
- Row label
Specify the row label
- Row label in-line style
Specify style attributes that override the settings inherited from the style sheet.
- Row label position
Specify where the label is positioned relative to the control.
- Security Groups
Select which security groups can see this column. If no groups are selected, all users can see the column.