Customization allows you add additional features to your grid. Here you can define how you want error messages to appear and choose if you want a number to display how many records are in a section of your grid.
- Name
- Description
- 'No records found' message
The ' No records found ' message is useful for displaying instances when a query does not return any records. This might be the case, for example, if you were to conduct a Quick search inside a grid for a field that was in the table you selected on the Query page but that does not exist in the Grid Part, you might get this message. Clicking the button [...] to the right of the 'No records found' message loads the HTML editor. This makes it easy to modify the default message to your liking.
- 'Total records' message text
The 'Total records' message text property specifies the template for the 'Total records' message. {Total_Records} is a place holder for the number of records in the query. The default text is "Records: {Total Records}".
- 'Total records' message position
Specify the position of the text showing the number of records in the current query. Default = "Above Grid". The options are:
- Display title before existing records
Enables the display of the existing records title.
- Existing records title
A title that appears after the column or row titles, but above the data in the grid.
- Display title before new records
Enables the display of the new records title.
- New records title
A title that appears after existing data in the grid, but above the rows used to enter new records. This only works if the grid is updateable
- Table tag inline style
Specify the inline style for the Grid's tag.
- Table tag attributes
Specify optional attributes to insert into the Grid's tag
- Row separator HTML
HTML code that customizes the grid's row or column separator.
- Javascript windows
Updateable grids come with default Javascript windows. These windows usually appear as confirmation and warning dialogs after a user deletes, edits, and/or tries to alter a dirty record in their table. The Javascript windows property, under Customization properties, is where you can change the icons, message text, titles, and OK/Cancel button labels for these Javascript windows. If you also want to change the dialog styling see the Style Name property under the Layout Options section of the Properties page.
- Customize icons
Many of the icons used with certain images (e.g. the Row Expander icon) in a grid can be customized.