Linked Grids and Content
When you are designing a grid, you can embed a 'Linked Grid' object or objects inside the grid part just as you would any other object (such as Tabs, Images, Frames, etc..).
- Name
- Description
- Has linked Grids or other content
Adds linked grid or other content options to a component. This gives you access to related properties.
- Linked Content Definition
Specify the definition of the linked grid/content section(s).
- Lock linked content window
When the parent grid is searched, sorted, or navigated, should the Linked Content window(s) be locked while the parent Grid is recomputed. (Only applies to Linked Content that has been placed in the Master Template.)
- Lock window text
Specify the text that is shown in the Linked Content window(s) while the Linked Content is locked.
- Lock window class name
Specify the class name of the Linked Content Window overlay that is used to lock the window. The default class is 'A5WindowLock'. To see the definition of this class, use the View, Source command in the Browser.
- HTML Memo Editor
If you are displaying a Grid component in a Linked Content Section, and if the child Grid contains a pop-up HTML memo editor, the Linked Content Grid must be placed in the Master Template or a Search Part free-form edit region. The HTML editor will not function correctly if the Linked Content is placed in the Grid part's or Detail View part's free-form edit region.
- Linked Content Sections
Linked Content Sections allow you to display linked data in your Grid.
- Master Template
You can place Linked Content Sections in the Master Template. Previously, Linked Content Sections could only be placed in a Free-form edit region. The benefit of placing Linked Content Sections in the Master Template is that you get smoother repainting of the Linked Content when the parent Grid is navigated, searched, or sorted.
If you specify more than one Grid, the linked grids will display in a tab or accordion control. Linked grids can be linked to one or more fields in the current row. While they might sound mundane, linked grids have some powerful applications. If you are building a business application, for example, it is possible to link one customer on a grid containing customer names to a second grid containing information about everything that a customer has ever ordered from a given company. One could even create a third linked grid to display all of the other customers in the customer grid who happen to live in the same country.
Linked content section
You can create very powerful "master-detail" Grids by placing "Linked Content Sections" on the Grid. If a Linked Content Section contains more than one Grid, the content is displayed in a Tab or Accordion object. For example, you might have a Customer Grid that displays the Orders for the customer record that has focus. The Orders Grid, in turn, might display the Order Details for the order that has focus. There is no limit to the level of nesting of linked content. This video shows how easy it is to create a Linked Content Section.