Query by-Example Row


Query-by-Example Row is a search feature that lets you search individual columns.

Query-by-Example row

Check the Query-by-Example row property if you want to add this feature to your grid.

Query-by-Example menus internationalization

The menus that are shown in Query by Example can now be internationalized.

Query-by-Example row initial display

The Query-by-Example row initial display property allows you to decide how you want a Query-by-Example row to appear when a user opens your application.

Query-by-Example hyperlink text

You can customize the label for the 'Show/hide Query-by-Example' row hyperlink.

Search rules

Specify rules when Grid supports multiple types of searches (e.g. Quick search, Alphabet button, Search Part, and Query by Example searches).

Query-by-Example Row is a search feature that lets you search individual columns. It effectively opens up a single row of text control boxes above your grid, allowing users to search individual fields. After entering text in the control the user then clicks on an icon to the right of the textbox and a list of possible search criteria opens. The user can clear all filters on all columns, remove the filter on the current column with 'No filter'., or select specific criteria for the current row. The query runs as soon as the criteria is clicked. Additional queries can be run on other rows to further filter the data. A show or hide a query row button on your grid's record navigation bar can be used to turn Query-by-Example on and off. You can also decide whether you want the initial display of the Query-by-Example row to be shown or hidden using the Query-by-Example Row initial display property. In addition to Query-by-Example row, the Quick Search property also lets you create search features inside of your grid. See Quick Search Properties to learn more.

Grid with Query by-Example feature


Search Criteria available to user from grid


Grid Filtered on 2 columns using the ' Starts with (x..)' filter
