Quick Search
Quick Search allows you to create a search inside of your grid. This feature is different from the Search part that you create on the Component Type page by clicking Grid contains a 'Search' part. Because the Quick Search is part of the grid, its properties are defined here as well. Selecting the Has Quick Search property adds a single search control to your grid part. If you want to add a control at the top of each field in your grid, check out the Query by Example properties. If you include a Search Part in addition to a Quick Search, then the Search Part will perform searches within the subset of records selected by the Quick Search.
- Name
- Description
- Has Quick Search
Check the Has Quick Search property to enable the Quick Search feature in your grid.
- Position
The Position property lets you specify where you want the Quick Search control to be placed. " In Grid " will display the Quick Search as part of the Grid part. " Above Grid " will display it as a separate control above the Grid.
- Alignment
'Alignment' specifies if the Quick Search should be " Left ", " Center ", or " Right " aligned within the Grid. This property is available only applies if Position is set to " In Grid ".
- Field(s) to search
As with the Detail or Search Part, the Quick Search needs to be told where to search for data. The Field(s) to search property is where you specify which fields in your grid you want the Quick Search to conduct a search. Clicking the button to the right of the Field(s) to search property will open the Select Field(s) to Search dialog. This dialog gives you the option of to Search a single field or to Search multiple fields .
- Default Field to search
Specify the field in the Grid part to search if the Grid has not be sorted on a column.
- Allow QBF style
Enables QBF style. QBF style causes the search argument "A,B,C" to search for A, B, or C. The search argument "A..C" searches for entries between A and C. The search argument "C.." searches for entries greater or equal to C. 'The search argument "..C" searches for entries less than or equal to C.
- Search style
Specifies how the data should be searched.
- Control type
While most of the examples here have used a simple textbox for the Quick Search feature, there exist other options. The Control type property lets you quickly swap out the default ' Textbox ' Quick Search control for a ' Dropdownbox ', ' Radiobutton ', or ' Checkbox ' control and visa versa.
- Choices
Specify the choices to show in the Quick Search.
- Maximum number of choices
Specify the maximum number of choices to show. Set to 0 for no limit.
- Has 'ShowAll' radio button
Specify if the radio buttons should include a button to show all records
- 'ShowAll' button label
Label for the 'ShowAll' radio button
- Has 'Clear QuickSearch' button
Specify if the QuickSearch part should include a button to clear the QuickSearch.
- 'Clear QuickSearch' button label
Label for the 'Clear QuickSearch' button
- Initial selection
Specifies the initial selection in the Quick Search. Leave this property blank if all records should be shown when the Grid is initially displayed. For example, say that your Quick Search does searches on a State field, and when the Grid is displayed initially, you want to show records for "MA".
- Control inline style
Overrides the style for the Quick Search control. Click [...] to define the In-line style. Refer to the Style Editor for details.
- Dropdownbox height
Specify the height of the dropdownbox. If the height is greater than 1, you can allow the user to select multiple entries.
- Dropdownbox select style
Specify if the user can select multiple entries, or just a single entry.
- Textbox size
Only applies if the Control type property is set to "TextBox". Sets the width of the textbox control.
- Textbox maximum length
Only applies if the Control type property is set to "TextBox". Sets the maximum width of the text that can be entered into a textbox control. Set to -1 for no limit.
- Orientation
Specify the orientation of the Quick Search control.
- Search button label
Specifies the label for the Search button. Applies only if the Auto Submit property is set to False. This is the button that the user clicks to perform the Quick Search.
- Auto submit
When the user makes a selection in the Quick Search, should the search be performed immediately, or should the search only be performed when the user clicks the 'Search' button?
- Quick Search label
Specifies the label for the Search button. Applies only if the Auto Submit property is set to False. This is the button that the user clicks to perform the Quick Search.
- Quick Search label style
Overrides the style for the Quick Search lable. Click [...] to define the In-line style. Refer to the Style Editor for details.
- Has freeform layout
Specifies if the Quick Search has a freeform layout. This will allow you to specify any HTML for the text that surrounds the Quick Search.
- Freeform layout
Specify the freeform layout for the Quick Search. You can specify any HTML for the text that surrounds the Quick Search.
- Search rules
Specifies rules that should be applied when performing different types of searches.
- Defining a Quick Search
The Quick Search feature allows you to make a search control part of a grid.
- Filtering a Grid with Quick Search
Quick Searchis an option for a grid component that allows you to quickly filter and re-display its contents. To add Quick Search to a grid:
See Also