Page Layout Control Properties
Properties for controls in a Page Layout Component.
Button Properties
Button text
Enter HTML text to appear in this control.
Bubble help
Enter the bubble help for the button. For high order international characters, you must use unicode encoded text.
Specify the class name for the
Specify the in-line style for the
Specify the control id.
Specify the button width. Use CSS syntax (e.g. 2in, 40px). Leave blank to use a default width.
Specify the button height. Use CSS syntax (e.g. 2in, 40px). Leave blank to use a default height.
Force a column break before, after, or both before and after this control.
Break height
Specify the vertical distance between this control and the next control. Use CSS syntax. e.g. 10px, .5in, 20pt.
Horizontal spacer
Specify the horizontal space between this control and the next control. Use CSS syntax. e.g. 10px, .5in, 20pt.
Break height
Specify the vertical distance between this control and the next control. Use CSS syntax. e.g. 10px, .5in, 20pt.
Horizontal spacer
Specify the horizontal space between this control and the next control. Use CSS syntax. e.g. 10px, .5in, 20pt.
Repeating section heading
Specify the column heading for this control when it is displayed in a Repeating Section that shows labels on the first row only
Specify if this control should be hidden. Controls are typically hidden so that they can be manually placed into the Dialog HTML in a 'Free-form Container'.
Advanced button styling
Specify if you want more control over how the button appears. For example, you can put an image and text on the button. For touch applications (e.g. mobile applications), you should check this property.
Advanced button control type
Specify if the button should be displayed as a standard button, hyperlink, or image.
Control container class name
(Advanced/Optional) All controls are automatically wrapped in a div (with a class name of 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container' ) (unless the control is in a 'NoFloat' container). You can specify a class name to use for the control container in addition to the 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container' class that is automatically used. This allows you to have more control over the appearance of the control.
Control container prevent float
(Advanced/Optional) All controls are automatically wrapped in a div (with a class name of 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container' ) (unless the control is in a 'NoFloat' container). This container automatically 'floats' the control (so that your controls lay out automatically from left to right until a control with a 'break after' is encountered). In addition, the class adds padding around the control. By checking this property, the you are specifying that the div container that encloses this control will not have the 'A5CWLayout' or 'A5container' class applied.
Button Appearance
Sub-theme property
Button layout
Button layout property
Text only
Image only
Text followed by Image
Image followed by text
Image above text
Text above image
Text left & image right
Image left & text right
Has dropdown icon
Specify if a small dropdown arrow should be shown on the button. (Typically only used if the button will open a dropdown window when clicked.)
Display as split button
Specify if the button should be split into two 'logical' buttons, with the button and the dropdown icon separated into two logical buttons. If you use this option you should define your event handler in the 'onClick' rather than the 'click' event. You will then be able to refer to arguments[1] in your code to see if the user clicked on the dropdown icon or the button. arguments[1] will be set to either 'normal' or 'split'.
Button text
Specify the text for the button. TIP:You can use the and language translation tags here.
Bubble help
Specify the bubble help for the button. The bubble help is displayed when the mouse is over the button. TIP:You can use the and language translation tags here.
Button class
Specify the button class. You can use for no class. Use or blank for the default class.
Button class hover
Button class when the mouse is hovering over the button. You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class. If you specify your own class name here you can prefix it with '+' to use the specified class in addition to the default class. E.g. +myHoverclass.
Button class pressed
Button class when the user clicks on the button. You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class. If you specify your own class name here you can prefix it with '+' to use the specified class in addition to the default class. E.g. +myPressedclass.
Button class disabled
Button class when the button is disabled. You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class. If you specify your own class name here you can prefix it with '+' to use the specified class in addition to the default class. E.g. +myDisabledclass.
Button inline style
Button inline style property
Button text class
You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class.
Button text inline style
Button text inline style property
Image name
Image name property
Hover image name
Image to display when mouse if hovering over the button. Leave blank to use the default image.
Pressed image name
Image to display when user clicks the button. Leave blank to use the default image.
Disabled image name
Image to display when the button is disabled. Leave blank to use the default image.
Image class
Image class property
Image inline style
Image inline style property
Hyperlink Appearance
Hyperlink text
Specify the text for the hyperlink. TIP:You can use the and language translation tags here.
Bubble help
Specify the bubble help for the hyperlink. The bubble help is displayed when the mouse is over the hyperlink. TIP:You can use the and language translation tags here.
Hyperlink text class
Hyperlink text class property
Hyperlink text inline style
Hyperlink text inline style property
Hyperlink class
Hyperlink class property
Hyperlink inline style
Hyperlink inline style property
Hyperlink image position
Specify if the hyperlink has an associated image.
Left of text
Right of text
Image name
Image name property
Hover image name
Image to display when mouse if hovering over the button. Leave blank to use the default image.
Pressed image name
Image to display when user clicks the button. Leave blank to use the default image.
Disabled image name
Image to display when the button is disabled. Leave blank to use the default image.
Image class
Image class property
Image inline style
Image inline style property
Image Appearance
Image name
Image name property
Hover image name
Image to display when mouse if hovering over the button. Leave blank to use the default image.
Pressed image name
Image to display when user clicks the button. Leave blank to use the default image.
Disabled image name
Disabled image name property
Image class
Image class property
Image inline style
Image inline style property
Button class
Specify the button class. You can use for no class. Use or blank for the default class.
Button class hover
Button class when the mouse is hovering over the button. You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class. If you specify your own class name here you can prefix it with '+' to use the specified class in addition to the default class. E.g. +myHoverClass.
Button class pressed
Button class when the user clicks on the button. You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class. If you specify your own class name here you can prefix it with '+' to use the specified class in addition to the default class. E.g. +myPressedClass.
Button class disabled
Button class when the button is disabled. You can enter (or leave blank) to use the default class name. Specify for no class. If you specify your own class name here you can prefix it with '+' to use the specified class in addition to the default class. E.g. +myDisabledClass.
Button inline style
Button inline style property