Client-side Events
Client-side events for the Tabbed UI Component.
- afterAjaxCallbackComplete
Fires after an Ajax callback has completed.
- afterLogin
Fires after the callback that occurs when the user tries to login to the application has completed.
- afterLogout
Fires after the callback that occurs when a user logs out fo the application has completed.
- beforeHTMLReportExport
Fires when the user clicks a toolbar button to export an HTML report to PDF, Excel, Word, or text.
- beforeLogin
Fires before the callback that occurs when the user clicks the 'Login' button after filling in their credentials.
- canLogin
Fires before the callback that occurs when a user tries to login to the application. Return false to cancel the login.
- canLogout
Fires before the callback that occurs when a user tries to log out of the application. Return false to cancel the logout.
- onFavoriteSet
Fires when a menu item is added to favorites.
- onFavoriteUnSet
Fires when a menu item is removed from favorites.
- onPusherMessage
Fires when the app receives a message from the Pusher service.
- onRenderComplete
Last event to fire when the Tabbed UI is rendered.