Login Properties
Login Properties
- Name
- Description
- Has login/logout links
If you check this box, a login and logout hyperlink will be displayed in the top right corner of the page. Users will be able to login and logout directly from the Tabbed UI component.
- Login prompt
Specify the text for the login hyperlink.
- Logout prompt
Specify the text for the logout hyperlink.
- Customize login failure messages
Customize login failure messages
- Login action
When the user logs in specify if a full reload of the page should occur (recommended), or if an Ajax Callback should be performed. Performing an Ajax Callback will be marginally quicker and will result in no screen flicker, but will NOT update any Xbasic code you might be evaluating in the header/footer or home page of the Tabbed UI.
- Has 'Register new account' link
Specify that a link should be displayed to allow new users to register for an account. This link is only displayed when no one is logged in and will open the component specified in 'Component to display to register new account'. Optionally, it could be used to open any UX component, such as a UX component to change a password.
- Register new account prompt
Specify the text to show on the 'Register new account' hyperlink.
- New account link location
Specify where the link to open the 'Register new account' dialog should be shown. It can be on the Menu Bar (next to the Login link), in the Login dialog, or both.
- Component to display to register new account
Specify the name of the UX component to display where a user can register for a new account.
- Register new account window title
Specify the title for the window in which the New Account component will be shown.
- Custom menu bar HTML - left
(Optional) You can specify any text to add to the left side of the menu bar that appear at the top of the Tabbed UI. (This is the menu bar that contains the Login/Logout hyperlinks.)
- Custom menu bar HTML - center
(Optional) You can specify any text to add in the center of the menu bar that appear at the top of the Tabbed UI. (This is the menu bar that contains the Login/Logout hyperlinks.)
- Logged in message template
(Optional) You can specify a template to use for the message that is displayed in the menu bar after a user logs in. This message typically indicates the name of the logged in user. The template can include the '{userName}' placeholder for the user name.