Login Window Customization Properties
Login Window Customization Properties
- Name
- Description
- User name prompt
User name prompt property
- Password prompt
Password prompt property
- User name label style
User name label style property
- User name field style
User name field style property
- Password label style
Password label style property
- Password field style
Password field style property
- Free-form layout
Free-form layout property
- Header text
(Optional) Specify any text you want to appear at the top of the login dialog.
- Footer text
(Optional) Specify any text you want to appear at the bottom of the login dialog.
- Login button label
Login button label property
- Login button style
Login button style property
- Cancel button label
Cancel button label property
- Cancel button style
Cancel button style property
- Window width
Specify the width of the login window. Use CSS units. Leave blank for default size.
- Window height
Specify the height of the login window. Use CSS units. Leave blank for default size.
- Animate login window
Animate login window property
- Show window animation method
Show window animation method property
- Show window animation speed
Specify speed in milliseconds. You can use 'fast' or 'slow' (fast = 200 ms, slow = 600 ms)
- Hide window animation method
Hide window animation method property
- Hide window animation speed
Specify speed in milliseconds. You can use 'fast' or 'slow' (fast = 200 ms, slow = 600 ms)
- Disable auto-complete - User Name field
Specify if the browser's auto-complete feature should be disabled for the User Name field.
- Disable auto-complete - Password field
Specify if the browser's auto-complete feature should be disabled for the Password field.