Other Properties
Other Properties
- Name
- Description
- Linked resources
Specify if this component should include CSS defined in any of the child Grid components that this component will open.
- Date format
Specify the format that the user must use for entering date values. (Applies in the case of Reports that prompt for date or time argument values.) In V11 and above an optional time format can also be specified. The time portion of the format string is separated from the date portion by '&&'.\
- Use legacy date picker
Specify if you want to use the legacy date picker, or the new date/time picker for V11 or above. If using a V11 style, you cannot use the legacy date picker.
- Language definitions
Define strings for different languages.
- Text dictionary tags
Show Text Dictionary tags (<a5:t>...</a5:t>) used in this component.
- Active language
Specify the active language to use for translating strings tagged with <a5:r>..</a5:r> tags. Setting the property here is useful for testing purposes. In a real application you can set the 'session.__protected__activeLanguage' variable to specify the active language. To select the default language, enter <Default> or leave this property blank.
- Remove un-consumed language tags
Should any language tags that were not replaced (because they were not defined in the Language Definition) be removed from any output sent to the browser?
- Date picker - day names
Specify the names of the days of the week to be shown when the pop-up date picker is used. First entry in list MUST be Sunday (even if you set the 'first day of week' property to another day). Enter a comma separated list.
- Date picker - first day of week
Specify the first day of the week. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.
- Date picker - month names
Specify the month names to be shown when the pop-up date picker is used to prompt for argument values. Enter a comma separated list.
- Date picker - 'Today' button text
Specify the text for the 'Today' button. You can tag the text with <a5:r>..</a5:r> for automatic language translation.
- Date picker - 'Close' button text
Specify the text for the 'Close' button. You can tag the text with <a5:r>..</a5:r> for automatic language translation.
- Date picker - 'OK' button text
Specify the text for the 'OK' button. You can tag the text with <a5:r>..</a5:r> for automatic language translation.