Embedding Detail Views and Child Lists into a List
When you create a List with a Detail View, you can specify that the Detail View should be embedded directly in the List and that it should be shown/hidden when the user clicks on a row in the List.
To embed the Detail View, List, or other controls in the List, open the List Builder:
Go to the Detail View tab
Set the Detail view position property to InsideList-BeneathListRow
Specify the name of the container the contains the content you want to display. The content must be wrapped in a container of type "None".
Configure the Embedded detail view properties.
When you set the Embedded detail view properties, this dialog is displayed:
You can set the duration of the animation that displays when you click on a row to show the embedded content. If you do not want any animation, set the duration to 0.
You can open the detail view by clicking anywhere on a row or by clicking on the special Row open/close icon in the row.
You can set the icon used for the Row open/close icon
To add the Row open/close icon to the List layout, add the <RowOpen/CloseIndicator> placeholder to your Layout. When the icon is clicked, the embedded content is shown.
Embedding the Detail View in the List
When you build a List with a Detail View, you might want to embed the Detail View in the List so that it is only shown when the user taps on a row in the List.
In this video, we show how this can be done.
Embedding Child Lists in the Top-most Parent List
It is quite common to build UX components with a series of related lists. For example, you might have lists for Customers, Orders and OrderDetails. When you select a row in the Custom list, the Orders list is repopulated showing he orders for the selected Customer, and so on. You might want to embed these child lists inside the top-most parent list (i.e. the Customer list in this example). so that the child Lists are only shown when the user taps on a row in the parent list.
In this video we show how this can be done.
Webinar: Embedded Detail View in a List Control
In this Alpha Anywhere Demo and Q&A session, we demonstrate the new Embedded Detail View in a List Control feature in Alpha Anywhere release.
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