TextBox controls provide an means to create new text that can be entered into other controls, such as a list control. Through its 'Lookup' properties, in the control properties list, a Textbox can also be used to create Edit-Combo boxes that display a list of choices that users can select from. You can also add buttons to a textbox that will allow you to clear entered data, search for entries in a list, filter a list, or run some customized javascript code or action.
- Name
- Description
- Control Behavior Overrides - Customizing The Date Picker and Edit-Combo Behavior on a Phone
The UX component allows you to customize the behavior of certain controls based on the screen size of the device. For example, normally, the 'picker' for a date control, or an edit-combo control opens in a drop-down window, immediately under the control.
- Dynamically Re-populate the Choices in an Edit-Combo using Javascript
Text box controls can be used to create edit combo boxes. The choices shown in an edit-combo can then be dynamically repopulated at run-time using Javascript.
- Add In-control Buttons to a TextBox
You can place buttons inside a textbox control to clear entered text, search, filter, or run any number of customized actions or code.
See also the TextBox Properties section of the documentation for information on TextBox settings. If you are creating a component with a Form View control see also the pre-defined Editor-Textbox control under the 'Defined Controls' menu on the UX Controls page.
In-control Buttons for Textbox Control
Textbox controls can have "in-control" buttons and icons. This is a very common pattern seen in mobile applications, but it is also quite useful in desktop web applications.
Customizing The Date Picker and Edit-Combo Behavior on a Phone
The UX component allows you to customize the behavior of certain controls based on the screen size of the device. For example, normally, the 'picker' for a date control, or an edit-combo control opens in a drop-down window, immediately under the control.
However, on a phone, which has a narrow screen, there is not enough room to display the control's 'picker' in a dropdown window. Instead, you are likely to want the control to appear in a window that is docked to the bottom of the screen, centered horizontally.
In this video we show how you can define Javascript to override the behavior of certain controls, depending on the screen size.
Google Address Auto-complete
Address auto-complete is a common feature in may web and mobile applications. Address auto-complete is where you provide suggestions for an address as the user types an location into a textbox. Google Maps provides an API that can be used to generate a suggestion list, which has been integrated into the Alpha Anywhere textbox control.
In this video, we show how to enable the Address Suggest feature for a textbox in a UX component.