Data Binding
You can use data binding to create new tables with fields that can then be used within the UX component. This is done on the 'Data Binding' page of the UX Builder. Once the data from a new or existing table has been bound to the component you can use the properties in this section to bind a control to one of the fields in that data-bound table. It is also possible to match controls to a data bound table on the Data Binding page itself.
Whether or not the value in this control should be saved to a field in a table. If this box is unchecked, the control is still editable, and the value in the control will still be submitted when the Dialog is submitted.
Table alias
The table alias to which this control is bound. If not bound, leave blank or specify: *unbound
Field name
The field in the data bound table where this control should be saved.
NULL if blank
Applies only to SQL Tables. If checked, a NULL value is inserted into the table if the field is blank.
Encrypt field
The Encrypt field property specifies whether or not data in a field is encrypted. If checked, data is encrypted by Alpha Anywhere when written to the field and decrypted when read from the field.
When Alpha Anywhere encrypts the data, it prepends the field data with the prefix ENCRYPTED:.
Field encryption is only supported for character fields.
Encryption key
Enabling Encrypt field exposes the Encryption key field. The Encryption key is used to encrypt and decrypt the values in the field. This key can be the same for all fields or unique for each field.
The Encryption key can be defined at design-time, either in this property or in the Project Properties, or at runtime using a session variable. For example:
If you define the key in Project Properties, set Encryption key to <Default>.