Ink Page
The Ink page properties let you set background images on an ink view. They also let you add ruled pages and graph pages to the background of an ink control. This can be very useful for designing things and writing. There are many properties to adjust these changes to the background; to alter their size, color, and placement.
- Name
- Description
- Width
The width of the page (in specified units).
- Height
The height of the page (in specified units).
- Unit
The unit used for width and height.
- Dots-per-unit
The number of Ink dots per unit. For instance, if you had a 5in by 3in page, you would want the 'dots-per-unit' to be at least 300, the higher the dots-per-unit the greater the print resolution.
- Background color
The background color of the Ink. If left blank the background color will be transparent.
- Has background image
Specify if the Ink has a background image.
- Background image data
The background image data. Can be a URL, or base64 encoded image data.
- Background image position
Once an image is defined in the Background image data property, the position of the image can be manipulated using 'Background image position'. There are a number of options for positioning an image.
- Background image size
The background image size. Can bee "contain" (the image will fit inside the link). The "cover" (the image will cover the Ink), or a width and height value in pixels separated by a comma (e.g. "300,200").
- Has lines
Specify if the Ink should have a lined background.
- Line type
Select a type of lined background. The options are 'graph' and 'ruled'. Choosing one or the other will open a host of related properties.
- Ruled style
The "Ruled style" property sets the style of the background lines (and "rules"). This property only appears when the "Line type" property is set to 'ruled'.
- Ruled flow
Writing flow direction. e.g. ltr - left-to-right, ttb - top-to-bottom.
- Ruled width
The width of the lines. This affects all of the lines.
- Ruled margin color
The color of the margin lines. This property appears when the 'Line type' property is set to 'ruled'. The default margin color is #f98a6e.
- Ruled margin top
The top margin in Ink units.
- Ruled margin left
The left margin in Ink units.
- Ruled margin right
The right margin in Ink units.
- Ruled margin bottom
The bottom margin in Ink units.
- Ruled rules color
The color of the rules. The default color setting is #c7c7c7, a grayish color.
- Ruled rules size
The distance between rules in Ink units. The default is 120
- Graph style
The 'Graph style' property sets the style of the graph lines. It appears when the Has lines property is set to 'graph'. The 'normal' setting will render the graph lines whether editing or viewing, and 'editing' will not render lines when viewing.
- Graph color
The color of the graph lines. The default is a grey, #c7c7c7.
- Graph width
The width of the lines. The default is 1
- Graph size
The size of a cell in Ink units. The default is 120.
- Graph minor lines
The number of minor graph lines per major graph line. Minor lines are lighter colored lines that appear in cells defined by heavier major lines. By default there are no minor lines and this property is set to 0.
- Graph margin adjust
If on, then the margins will be automatically adjusted so that partial graph 'cells' (height between major lines) are not shown.
- Graph margin top
The top margin in Ink units. By default the graph on an ink control has no margin.
- Graph margin left
The left margin in Ink units.
- Graph margin right
The right margin in Ink units. By default there is no marging and 'Graph margin right' is set to 0.
- Graph margin bottom
The bottom margin in Ink units. By default there are no margins in the graph and 'Graph margin bottom' is set to 0.