Sort on break field


Should the data be sorted on the break field? If the data is already in the correct order then you can turn this property off.

You can sort on a break field such that all of the identical values in a break field will be grouped together. For example, here we have defined a set of static data containing city names and corresponding code numbers between 1 and 3.

Static data

When the 'Code' field is set as the Break field and the 'Sort on break field' is not checked, running the component produces the following:

  • images/sort5.png
    'Sort on break field' turned off
  • images/sort2.png
    Without sort on break field

When the 'Sort on break field' is checked the break field will appear sorted.

  • images/sort3.png
    Sort on break field checked
  • images/sort4.png
    A sorted break field
Having trailing empty spaces in the static data will alter the sort on break field results.