Data Source
There are different Data Source options available for creating a list control. Each of these sources have type specific as well as shared properties.
- Name
- Description
- Arguments
Variables that can be used when querying the data source for the List. Arguments can be bound to page, session, and cookie variables.
- Convert Data Source to SQL Database
Convert a List based on static data to a SQL data source or vice versa seamlessly with the Convert Data Source genie.
- CSV file
The CSV file option lets you to populate a List control with data from a CSV file.
- Custom
Settings defining the Xbasic and optional JavaScript functions to call to populate a List control based on a custom data source.
- Custom - Advanced
Advanced options for defining custom data source for the List control.
- Data Pagination
Data pagination means breaking data up into pages. The properties here specify how users move through and view large blocks of data. For example, when viewing a data set with 100 rows or more of data, a user might only be able to view a given number of rows at a time. In this section you can choose how big the page should be, what controls should be used to navigate the pages, what these controls should look like, a what they should say.
- Data Series
- DBF Data Source
- Excel file
The Excel file option lets you to populate a List control with data from a Excel file.
- Javascript Function
The 'Javascript Function' option allows you to specify the name of a Javascript function. This function must return an array of JSON objects that contain the data for the List.
- Parent List
The Parent List properties help in binding one list a the child of a second list. This can be particularly useful in creating cascading lists where the selection in one list will determine the available options for a second list.
- Refresh Database Schema
Means of refreshing the database schema every time the list builder is opened
- Return Value
The return value is the value that is returned after a user makes a selection from the list control. In this section you can defined what type of return value you want to use.
- Server-side Security and Show/Hide Settings
Configure how security and server-side show/hide settings should be applied on the client-side.
- Server-side Group Breaks
Server-side Group Breaks can be used with different data source types. Group breaks take the form of headers over blocks of data that share something in common. These should not to be confused with titles. Whereas a title is inserted above a block of data, group breaks draw their definition from the data itself. Alpha Anywhere contains a number of properties that help in determining how the group break should be formed from existing data, whether or not it should be used to sort data, and means of changing group break headers. These properties are listed here.
- SQL Data Source
These are the List Builder's SQL Data Source properties.
- Static Data
You can easily create static lists of values to add to a control on the fly. Static values can be created using pipe "|" delimited columns as well as JSON. Titles and group breaks can both be included in this data.