List Builder FieldsDetail View Properties
Configure the detail view properties for a field. These properties dictate how data and media are captured, stored, and updated in a List Control's detail view. This includes data validation, security, handling write conflicts, calculated field expressions, JavaScript events, and more.
- Name
- Description
- Validation Xbasic
Specify the server-side code (Xbasic) to validate this field value before data are committed to the database.
- Default value Javascript
Specify the Javascript to execute to compute the default value for this field in the list Detail View when a new row is added to the List.
- onDetailView Populate Javascript
Specify the JavaScript to execute before the Detail View is populated.
- onListUpdate Javascript
Specify the Javascript to execute before the List is updated with the Detail View value. You can use this event to transform data from the Detail View before the List is updated. Your Javascript must 'return' the value. Your code can reference the this._value variable to get the default value with which the List will be update.
- Updateable
Specify if this field can be updated. (If the field is a calculated field then it will not be updatable)
- Image capture and storage properties
Specify properties for storing the image. For example, if the bound field is a character field, specify the folder where the image filename should be stored.
- Video capture and storage properties
Specify properties for storing the video. For example, if the bound field is a character field, specify the folder where the video filename should be stored.
- Audio capture and storage properties
Specify properties for storing the audio file. For example, if the bound field is a character field, specify the folder where the audio filename should be stored.
- Check for write conflicts
Should a check for write conflicts be done when updating this field on the server?
- Blank is NULL
Treat blank values as NULL.
- Security groups
Specify which security groups have permission to update this field. If blank, all groups have permission.
- Server-side permission expression
(Optional) Specify a server-side expression. If this expression evaluates to .t. (or is blank) then this field will be updatable. The expression will typically reference session variables.
- Base expression
Shows the base expression for this field - E.G. the field name from the SQL Query.