List Builder FieldsHyperlink Properties
The 'Add Item' button has an option to add a Hyperlink control to the List Builder's 'Fields' pane. This in turn opens some Hyperlink Properties.
- Name
- Description
- Hyperlink text
Specify the hyperlink text. You can use field placeholders in the text. For example: Hyperlink for {Lastname}. Note that the placeholders are case-sensitive.
- Bubble help
Specify the hyperlink help text. You can use field placeholders in the bubble help text {Grid component only). For example: Hyperlink for {Lastname}. Note that the placeholders are case-sensitive.
- Class
Specify the class for this field.
- Style
Specify CSS applied to this field using the style attribute for the HTML element used to display the field value.
- Action type
Specify the action to be performed when the user taps on the hyperlink. 'Telephone' and 'Email' use the 'tel' and 'mailto' protocols in the generated 'href' attribute to dial a phone number, or send an email with the associated telephone or mail client.
- Hyperlink address
Specify the hyperlink target. You can use placeholders in the target. For example, if the List has a field called 'targetAddress', you can specify {targetAddress} as the hyperlink target.
- Hyperlink target
Hyperlink target options include: Same Frame, Whole Page, New Window, Parent Frame.
- Phone number
Specify the phone number. The phone number must include the international country code. For example to dial this U.S. number (617)555-5555, you would specify +16175555555. In this case +1 is the country code for the U.S.A. You can use placeholders to specify the phone number. For example, if the List has a fields called 'phone' and 'countryCode' (that has the country code without the leading + sign), you can specify the phone number as: +{countryCode}{phone}.
- Email address
Specify the email address. You can use placeholders to specify the email address. For example, if the List has a fields called 'email', you can specify the email address as: {email}.
- OnClick
Specify the Javascript to be executed when the user clicks this hyperlink. The Javascript can reference the 'rowNumber' variable (the zero based row number of the row for the hyperlink) 'listObj'(a pointer to the List object), and 'data' (a pointer to current row data values). To read data from a field in the current row use :data.fieldName where 'fieldName' is the case-sensitive name of the field. e.g. data.firstName.
- Stop event propagation
This property opens when the specified 'Action type' is Javascript. 'Stop event propagation' specifies if the events for the row (e.g. onSelect, onClick, etc.) should fire in addition to this event. If checked, the row events do not fire. Note: The onTap event will NOT be stopped.
- Focus row
By default, clicking the hyperlink does not select the row for the hyperlink that was clicked. If you check this option, when you click the hyperlink, the corresponding row will be selected.