Javascript - Run Time
Client-side events for the List Control and List Detail View.
List Events
- Name
- Description
- afterAjaxCallback Event
Fires after any Ajax callback (sort, refresh row, append row, etc.) has completed.
- afterClientSideFilter Event
Fires after a client-side filter has been applied to the List.
- afterClientSideSort Event
Fires after a client-side sort is applied to the List data.
- afterClientSideSummaryCompute Event
Fires after the client-side summary values have been computed.
- afterFetchMore Event
Fires after an Ajax callback to fetch more records has completed.
- afterPageNavigate Event
Fires after an Ajax callback to navigate to a new page of records has completed.
- afterRefreshRow Event
Fires after an Ajax callback to refresh the current row in the List has completed.
- afterRenderComplete Event
Fires after the List has been completely rendered.
- afterSearchComplete Event
Fires after a search completes.
- afterSelect Event
Fires after the onSelect event.
- afterServerSideSort Event
Fires before the user tries to do a server-side sort action by clicking on a column heading. Direction is 'a' or 'd'.
- afterServerSideSummaryCompute Event
Fires after the server-side summary values have been computed.
- beforeClientSideFilter Event
Fires before a client-side filter is applied to the List. If the function returns false, the filter is not applied.
- beforeClientSideSort Event
Fires before a client-side sort is applied to the List data (by tapping on a column heading in a tabular List layout). If the event returns false, the List is not ordered.
- beforeFetchMore Event
Fires before an Ajax callback to fetch more records.
- beforePageNavigate Event
Fires before an Ajax callback to navigate to a different page of records.
- beforeRefreshRow Event
Fires before an Ajax callback to refresh the current row in the List.
- beforeSearch Event
Fires before the user submits the List's Search Part to execute a search of the records in the List.
- beforeServerSideSort Event
Fires before the user tries to do a server-side sort action by clicking on a column heading.
- localStorageDecryption Event
Fires after data are read from Local Storage.
- localStorageEncryption Event
Fires before data are written to Local Storage.
- onAddRows Event
Fires after the .addRows() method is called.
- onBeforeAddRows Event
Fires when the .addRows() method is called before the rows are actually added.
- onBeforeListClear
Fires before the lst data is cleared.
- onBeforePersistToLocalStorage Event
Fires before the List is persisted to Local Storage.
- onBeforePopulate Event
Fires before the List is populated.
- onBeforeRemoveRows Event
Fires when the .removeRows() method is called before the rows are actually removed.
- onBeforeSelect Event
Fires before the onSelect event.
- onBeforeUpdateRow Event
Fires when the .updateRow() method is called before the rows are actually updated.
- onBlur Event
Fires when the List loses focus.
- onClick Event
Fires when a row in the List is clicked or when the List has focus and the user hits the Enter key.
- onDblClick Event
Fires when the user double clicks a row in the List.
- onDblTap Event
Fires when the user double tapas a row in the List.
- onDownHold Event
Fires when the user holds down on a row in the List.
- onFieldClick Event
Fires when the user clicks on a field in a row in the List.
- onFieldDblClick Event
Fires when the user double clicks on a field in a row in the List.
- onFieldRightClick Event
Fires when the user right clicks on a field in a row in the List.
- onFocus Event
Fires when the List gets focus.
- onFocusOut
Fires when the List or any element in the List looses focus.
- onInitialize Event
Fires after the list has been initialized.
- onListColumnSelectorChanged Event
Fires after the user has made a selection in the List Columns Show/hide control. You can use this event to persist the List state.
- onListReady Event
Fires after the List is ready and has been populated.
- onNavigate Event
Fires when after List has been navigated (i.e. scrolled).
- onPersistToLocalStorage Event
Fires after the List is persisted to Local Storage.
- onPopulate Event
Fires after the List has been populated.
- onPull Event
Fires repeatedly while the user is 'pulling' the List beyond an end point (i.e. top, bottom, left or right edge) of the List.
- onPullEnd Event
Fires after the user has started 'pulling' a List beyond an end point, when the user restores the List to its 'non-pulled' state.
- onPullRelease Event
Fires when the user 'pulls' the List beyond an end point (i.e. top, bottom, left or right edge) of the List and then releases while the List is in a 'pulled' state (allowing the List to animate back to its natural position).
- onRemoveRows Event
Fires after the .removeRows() method is called.
- onResize
Fires when the List is resized.
- onRestoreFromLocalStorage Event
Fires after the List data has been restored from Local Storage.
- onRightClick Event
Fires when the user right clicks a row in the List control.
- onRowCheck Event
Fires when a row is checked or unchecked in a List configured to display a checkbox selector column.
- onScroll Event
Fires when the List is scrolled.
- onSearchResultTooLarge Event
Fires if the user executes a server-side search that returns too many records.
- onSearchResultTooLargeForLocalStorage Event
Fires if a server-side search returns more data than the List control is configured to download.
- onSelect Event
Fires when a value in the List is set.
- onSwipe Event
Fires when the user swipes (left, right, up or down) on a row in the List.
- onTap Event
Fires when the user taps a List row.
- onUpdateRow Event
Fires after the .updateRow() method is called.
Detail View Events
For a list of Detail View events for the List control, see Detail View Client-side Events.
See Also