Signature Capture Properties


Signature Capture controls display a space in a UX where signatures can be captured.

Button placement

Specify where the system buttons should be shown.

Button vertical spacing

Specify the amount of vertical spacing between buttons in the Signature Capture control.

In-line style for buttons

Specify the in-line style for the buttons.

In-line style for signature capture area - canvas

Specify the style for the 'signature capture' area; this is the canvas element where the signature is entered.

In-line style for signature capture area - image

Specify the style for the 'signature display' area; this is the image where the signature is displayed.

Include buttons to toggle between capture and display mode

The signature capture control has buttons to toggle between 'sign' mode, where the user can enter a signature, and 'display' mode, that shows the signature entered by the user. If you want to use your own buttons, you can turn off the system-generated buttons

Label 'Accept' button

Label for button to accept the signature just entered. When this button is clicked, the signature capture control toggles from 'signature capture' mode to 'signature display' mode.

Label 'Cancel' button

Label for the button that switches from 'signature capture' mode to 'signature display' mode.

Label 'Clear' button

Label for the button that clears the signature the user just entered.

Label 'Sign' button

Label for button to switch from 'signature display mode' to 'signature capture mode'.

Outer container class name

Specify the class name for the outer container for the signature capture control.

Outer container height

Specify the height of the outer container for the signature capture control. This must not be smaller than the height of the 'signature capture area'.

Outer container in-line style

Specify the in-line style for the outer container for the signature capture control.

Outer container width

Specify the width of the outer container for the signature capture control. This must not be smaller than the width of the 'signature capture area'.

Show line to indicate sign area on signature capture area

Specify if a line should be shown at the bottom on the signature capture area to indicate where the user us expected to enter their signature. This provides a visual guide of where the user must sign.

Sign-line style

Specify the style for the signature line.

Signature capture area alignment

Specify the alignment of the signature capture area within the outer container for the signature capture control.

Signature capture area color

Specify the area color of the signature capture control.

Signature capture area height

Specify the height of the signature capture area. You cannot use percentage heights.

Signature capture area width

Specify the width of the signature capture area. You cannot use percentage widths.

Stroke color

Specify the color of the signature capture pen.

Stroke width

Specify the width of the pen in pixels.