ViewBox Properties
The ViewBox Properties settings help size a ViewBox control or specify that the control belongs inside an existing container with a set size. The ViewBox properties property opens the ViewBox Builder which can be used to define the actual ViewBox control.
- Name
- Description
- Height
Specify the height of the ViewBox control. Use CSS syntax, e.g. 2in, 100px, etc. If the 'Fill container' property is checked, then this property is hidden.
- Width
Specify the width of the ViewBox control. Use CSS syntax, e.g. 2in, 100px, etc. If the 'Fill container' property is checked, then this property is hidden.
- Fill container
This property applies only when the control is inside a Panel Card container. Should the control expand to the size of the container? The container can either be the PanelCard or a [Container] with a sub-type of 'None'. If using a Container control be sure to set the Container's height and width properties.
- ViewBox properties
The ViewBox properties property opens the ViewBox Builder.
See also the ViewBox Control section of the documentation for guides about the ViewBox control.