Date picker - first day of week
Specify the first day of the week. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday etc. IMPORTANT: Regardless of what value you set here, if you customize the day names, the list of day names always starts with the name for Sunday.
For example, in the UX Builder on the UX Controls page open the Data Controls menu and click on the [Calendar] option to add a calendar control to the component.
Open the UX Properties page. In the 'Other' properties section set the 'Date picker - first day of week' property to '1'.
Run the component in Live preview. The first day of the week on the calendar control should be Sunday.
Go back to the Design tab and open the UX Properties page again. Set the 'Date picker - first day of week' property to '2'.
Run the component in Live Preview. The weeks in the calendar should now start with 'Monday' in the first column.