Layout Table Reports
Learn how to create and use Layout Table Reports.
- Name
- Description
- Layout Table Reports
Alpha Anywhere now has two styles of reports, the traditional free form banded report, and a new layout table banded report. For web use, most people will want to use the new layout table report with HTML output.
- Editing a Layout Table Report
Editing a Layout Table Report is somewhat different from editing a Free Form Report, although many operations, such as adding a field to the report, are the same for the two types of report. For general information about Free Form reports, see Report Topics. When editing a Layout Table Report, however, you must think in terms of rows and columns and regions, as though you were working in a spreadsheet or HTML table — which, in fact, may be your ultimate targets for the report.
- Reports - Layout Table Reports - Absolute Layout
Layout Table Reports now support absolute positioning of fields. This feature is similar to the absolute positioning of controls in a UX component using an AbsoluteLayout container.
- Reports - Layout Table Reports - Creating Custom Style Sheets
It is easy to create custom style sheets for Layout Table Reports.
- Reports - Layout Table Reports - Project Reports - Text Dictionary
You can now insert text dictionary tags in Layout Table reports defined at the Project level. Workspace reports do not support Text Dictioanries.
- Layout Table Report Example: Customer List
In this example we will create a layout table report in the AlphaSports database that lists customers by state. It is loosely modeled on the Customer List Free Form report sample supplied in the AlphaSports database.
- Creating Custom Stylesheets in Layout Table Reports
Custom stylesheets can be created for Layout Table Reports.
- Using a Layout Table Report
Previewing, printing, saving, and E-mailing the report and embedding a layout table report as Xbasic and HTML in an A5W page.