Defining Field and Menu Security
You may control access to a control of a Grid or UX component, or a menu entry of a Navigation System Component by specifying which groups are permitted to see it.
Access to individual controls and fields in components and menus can be restricted based on a user's Security Group. By default, access is allowed for all users in the security system. The Security Groups property for a control or menu item can be used to restrict access to specific users in the system.
Assigning Security to Controls in UX Components
Individual controls can be assigned Security Groups in a UX Component. If assigned a Security Group, only users who are members of the groups specified in the Security Groups property will be allowed to use the control.
Click the smart field button in the Row Properties > Security Groups property for a control to display the Permissions dialog.
Check the groups that will be granted access and click OK to save the security settings.
If a user does not have permissions to access a control on a component, the control is removed from the HTML sent to the client's browser. If your component is pre-rendered at design time, controls that have restricted security access may not be included in the pre-rendered component unless security settings are applied on the client. See How to Apply Security Settings Client-Side to learn more.
Assigning Security to Fields in Grid Components
Click the smart field button in the Column Properties > Security Groups property for a field to display the Permissions dialog.
Check the groups that will be granted access and click OK to save the security settings.
Assigning Security to Menus in a Navigation System Component
Click the smart field button in the Node Settings > Security Groups property for a menu item to display the Permissions dialog.
Check the groups that will be granted access and click OK to save the security settings.
See Also