Bulk Operation
Bulk operations.
- Name
- Description
- Global Replace of Component styles
Bulk operation to set the style for multiple components.
- Update Compiled Files for AJAX Grids
Bulk operation for updating the compiled files for Ajax Grid components.
- Turn Ajax On/Off in Grid Components
Bulk operation to enable or disable Ajax in all Grid Components. This operation should only be used to upgrade Grid Components built using Alpha Five Version 9 or older.
- Recalculate UX components
Bulk operation to recalculate all UX components.
- Change Component storage type
Change the storage type for Grid and UX Components. The storage type can be either JSON or Binary.
- Turn 'Pre-render' option on for UX Components
Bulk operation that enables 'Pre-render' option for all UX Components in the workspace.
- Update component security settings (if using Active Directory or IIS)
Bulk operation for updating the security settings for applications that use Active Directory or IIS.
- Find components with duplicate GUIDs
Lists components with duplicate GUIDs in the workspace. GUID duplication can occur if you duplicate an existing component in the workspace outside the Alpha Anywhere IDE.
- Update UX Components
The bulk operations 'Recalculate UX components' and 'Turn Pre-render option on for UX Components' have been replaced with a new single genie for updating UX components. It is listed in the Web Control Panel menu option Edit -> Bulk Operation as 'Update UX components'