How to Use SQL Data in a Google Chart
Data used to populate a Google Chart can be dynamically created from a SQL database.
Data can be retrieved from a SQL database using Xbasic. The code below retrieves order information from a SQL table and stores it client-side in the {dialog.object} object:
' Define SQL Query to fetch the data: dim sql as c sql = <<%sql% SELECT Products.ProductName Product, SUM(Order_Details.Quantity) AS SumOfQuantity FROM Products Products INNER JOIN [Order Details] Order_Details ON Products.ProductID = Order_Details.ProductID WHERE Order_Details.OrderID = :OrderID GROUP BY Products.ProductName %sql% ' Define Arguments used in the SQL Query: dim args as SQL::Arguments args.set("OrderID", 11055) dim cn as SQL::Connection ' Connect to the database if ("::Name::AADemo-Northwind")) then ' Fetch the Records: if (cn.execute(sql, args)) then ' Define the template for the chart data: dim template as c template = "['{js_escape(\"Product\"))}', {\"SumOfQuantity\")}]," ' Merge the SQL Result Set with the template: dim txt as c txt = a5_mergeDataIntoTemplate(template, cn.resultset) ' remove trailing comma txt = rtrim(txt,",") ' Add the column titles: txt = "[['Product','Quantity']," + txt + "]" ' Generate the JavaScript to store the data in the ' {dialog.object} object: dim js as c js = "{dialog.object}._data = " + txt + ";" else ' An error occurred executing the SQL statement ' Display an alert with the error message: js = "alert('An error occurred: " + js_escape(cn.callResult.text) + "');" end if cn.close() else ' An error occurred: Unable to open the SQL Connection js = "alert('An error occurred. Unable to open \'AADemo-Northwind\' SQL Connection.');" end if ' Return the javascript: e.javascript = js
Storing the data in the {dialog.object} allows you to access the information later to load it into a Google chart:
function doChart () { ' Get the Chart Data from the {dialog.object}._data property: var chartdata = {dialog.object}._data; var data = google.visualizations.arrayToDataTable(chartdata); var options = { title: "Order Breakdown by Product", pieHole: 0.4 }; var chart = new google.visualizations.PieChart($('donutchart')); chart.draw(data, options); }
This function does not verify that {dialog.object}._data exists before it is used. {dialog.object}._data may be undefined if an error occurs when retrieving the data from the database.
You are not limited to loading SQL data in the server-side events for the UX Component. SQL data can be dynamically loaded using an ajax callback or loaded using the Client-Side Data Cache.
For more information about how to dynamically load SQL data into a Google Chart, watch the video below:
Using SQL Data in a Google Chart
See Also