How to Display a QR Code in a Report


You can generate and display QR codes in reports using a variety of methods.

Creating QR Codes using Calculated Fields

Calculated fields can be used to generate and display QR Codes in a Freeform report.

  1. Under the Report menu, select Calculated fields...

  2. Create a new calculated field using the printQRCode function. The printQRCode function generates a QR Code for a specified character value. For example, the code below generates a QR Code for the "Contactname" field that is 300 x 300 pixels in size and stores it in a calculated field called "qrcode":

    qrcode = printQRCode(Contactname,300)
  3. Insert your calculated field into your report. Make sure to size the field large enough to fit the generated QR Code.

For more information about using the printQRCode() function to insert QR Codes in Freeform reports, watch this video:

Layout Table Reports

In Layout Table Reports, you can easily display a QR Code by checking the Display QRCode for text cell option in the Cell Contents dialog for a cell in the report. Alpha Anywhere will generate a QR Code based on the cell's contents.

Watch the video below for full step-by-step instructions on how to display a QR Code in a Layout Table Report.

See Also