Form View Control Actions
Perform some action on a Form View control.
The following actions can be performed using the Form View Control Actions action:
Set Form View field value
Set the value of a field in the FormView control.
Reload the original data from the data source for the FormView.
Clear Errors
Clear all errors in the FormView.
Commits the data in the FormView to the FormView's data source.
Populate Form
Populates the FormView with data.
New Record
Displays a new record in the FormView.
Set focus to the 'first', 'last', 'next', or 'prev' field on the FormView. The associated Editor (if defined) will be opened.
Set Active Layout
If the FormView defines multiple Layouts, selects the active Layout.
Set Active Tab Pane
If the FormView Layout uses Tabs, set the active Pane in the Tab control.
Refresh value in Editor
If a value in the FormView is currently being edited in an Editor, refreshes the value shown in the editor.
Set state variables
Set FormView state variables. State variables can be referenced in the FormView template syntax [temp].variables.variableName
Get state variables
Sets a variable to the FormView's state variables object.
Getting and Setting State Variables
State variables can be referenced in the FormView layout templates (and therefore in client-side show/hide and enable expressions) using this syntax:
Say you had a container in a FormView layout that contained several controls. You wanted to show this container if a session variable (called say myVar1) was equal to 'alpha'.
Here is how you would do this:
Set the show/hide expression for the container to
[temp].state.myVar1 == 'alpha'
In the client-side onRenderComplete event, execute this code to set the FormView control's myVar1 state variable to the value of the session variable.
var myVar1 = {dialog.Object}.getSessionVariable('MYVAR1'); {dialog.object}.formViewSetStateVariables('FORMVIEW_1',{myVar1: myVar1});
To learn more, check out the video below, "Client-side Show/Hide and Enable Expressions that Reference External Data".
Form View Control Action Properties
- Action name
Specify the Action that you want to execute.
- Form View Control Id
Specify the Form View control you want to perform an action on.
- Navigation direction
Navigation direction property. Choices include First, Last, Next, Prev.
- Field to set
Field to set property.
- Field value Javascript
Specify Javascript code to get the value that you want to set the Form View field to. Your code must 'return' the value. e.g. return 'Smith';
- Form data Javascript
Specify Javascript code to get the data to populate the form. Your code must 'return' an object with properties for each field in the form.
- Layout name
Specify the Layout name. (Case-sensitive)
Client-side Show/Hide and Enable Expressions that Reference External Data
Typically, the client-side show/hide and enable expressions in a FormView layout reference field values that are in the data being displayed in the Form. For example, the Form might have a field called Country and you might want to show a container only when the Country field has a certain value.
However, there are also use cases where you want to reference external data (i.e. the value in some other control on the UX) in a client-side expression. This video shows how this is done using FormView state variables.
UX Component Only
See Also