- Reference
- Action Javascript
- Hide Close Container Window
- Absolute Layout Container - Create PDF
- ActionSheet
- Add Alternative Login to Current User
- Advanced Export to Excel, Word, HTML, or Ascii using a Report Definition
- Ajax Callback
- Ajax Callback - Cross Domain
- AlphaLaunch Actions
- Chart Control Actions
- Circular Progress Indicator
- City, State Lookup from Zip Code
- Clear a Search a Grid Component that is Embedded into a UX component
- Client-side Data Cache Actions
- ControlBar Actions
- Cordova File Download
- Cordova File System Actions
- Cordova File System Actions-File URI Based
- Cordova File Upload
- Cordova Manifest
- Cordova Notifications
- Cordova Open File with Native Application
- Cordova Scan Barcode
- Cordova Send SMS message
- Cordova SQLite Actions
- Cordova TouchID FaceID
- DataSeries Actions multiple actions
- Delete Alternative Login for Current User
- Delete Record
- Dial Telephone Open SMS client
- Display a 'Wait...' message
- Editor Actions
- Enable or Disable a Button
- Export to Excel or Ascii or Custom Format
- Fade Out Message
- File Download
- File Upload
- File Upload - Amazon S3 Storage or Alpha Anywhere Server
- File Upload User Defined
- Filter Records in a List Control
- Form View Control Actions
- Geocode an address
- Geolocation Functions
- Get Primary Key values for Records in Query
- Get Server-side Data
- Global Search and Replace
- Global Update
- Google Map Method
- Google Map Method UX Component
- Hide a 'Wait...' message
- Hide Close a window
- Hide Close Container Window
- Hide Close PanelOverlay Window
- Image Capture for List-Detail View - Camera-Photo Library
- Image Capture-Camera-Photo Library
- Image Delete
- Image Upload
- Import Data from Excel or Ascii file
- Import Data into a List Control from Excel or Ascii file
- Inline-Javascript
- Link a Grid that has been embedded into a UX component
- List Control Actions
- Lock-unlock a container, DIV or entire page - by showing an overlay over it
- Login with Alternative Login Provider
- Lookup and Fill-in Fields
- Menus
- Merge data into client-side template
- Message box
- Message box dropdown style
- Message box transient
- New Record
- Open a AppLauncher component
- Open a Calendar component
- Open a Custom component
- Open a Google Map component
- Open a Grid component
- Open a Help Window
- Open a ImageGallery component
- Open a Page Layout component
- Open a Pop-up Ajax Window-Overlay
- Open a Report, Label or Letter layout
- Open a UX as an alternate editing view for current record
- Open a UX component
- Open a UX component to Edit Current Record in Grid, or add a new Record
- Open a UX component to Edit Current Record in List Control in a UX, or add a new Record to a List Control in a UX
- Open a Video Player component
- Open an .a5w page, static HTML page, URL, or PDF document, in a pop-up window or a DIV
- Panel Actions
- PDF from HTML
- Populate Controls in a UX Component with data from Tables
- Populate controls in an UNBOUND UX component with data from a table
- Refresh synchronize embedded UX component
- Run a report that is embedded in a UXcomponent using a custom filter for the report
- Run Action
- Search a Grid Component that is Embedded into a UX component
- Send email
- Set Page Content
- Show Container Window
- Show PanelOverlay Window
- Stripe - Process Stripe Payment
- Toggle display of a container or DIV with animation
- Update, Insert or Delete data. (for use with an UNBOUND component)
- Video Player Control Actions
- ViewBox Control Actions
- Web-sockets Server Actions
- Zip Code Lookup from Address
Hide/Close Container Window
Hide (i.e. closes) a Container Window.
Used with the UX component.
Display Window Properties
- Container ID
Specify the ID of the container. Choices include.
See Also