Hide/Close PanelOverlay Window


Hides (i.e. closes) a PanelOverlay window. You can optionally animate the window as hidden.

Used with the UX component.

Hide PanelOverlay Window Properties


Specify if the visibility of the element should be toggled, or explicityly set to shown or hidden. Choices include ToggleVisibility, Show, Hide.

Object type

Specify if the object you want to toggle the visibility or is a Container control, or an arbitrary DIV. Choices include Container, DIV.


Specify the ID of the DIV.

PanelOverlay ID

Specify the ID of the container. Choices include.

Show animation style

Select the animation method to use when the window is shown. Fade and Slide use methods in jQuery core. Other options require jQueryUI.

Show animation speed

Specify the animation speed. You can select a pre-defined option (slow = 600 milliseconds, fast = 200 milliseconds), or you can enter an explicit value in milliseconds.

onShowComplete Javascript

(Optional) Specify the Javascript to execute when the animation that shows the element has completed.

Hide animation style

Select the animation method to use when the window is closed. Fade and Slide use methods in jQuery core. Other options require jQueryUI.

Hide animation speed

Specify the animation speed. You can select a pre-defined option (slow = 600 milliseconds, fast = 200 milliseconds), or you can enter an explicit value in milliseconds.

onHideComplete Javascript

(Optional) Specify the Javascript to execute when the animation that hides the element has completed.

See Also