Lookup and Fill-in Fields
Lookup values in a table and fill-in fields in the current row from fields in the Lookup Table.
Used with the Grid and UX components
Lookup Source Properties
- Lookup source type
Specify if the data is retrieved from a native DBF table or a SQL database table (AlphaDAO)
- Table name
Specify the DBF filename.
- Connection string
Specify the connection string for the AlphaDAO datasource.
- Table name
Specify the table name.
- Linking fields
Specify the linking field. The linking fields determine how to find the matching record in the Lookup Table. The fill-in values will be returned from the matching record.
Fill-in Fields Properties
- Fill-in fields
Specify the fields to fill-in.
- Overwrite existing data
Specify if the lookup should overwrite existing data in any of the fill-in fields, or preserve the existing data. Choices include Overwrite, Preserve.
- Not found action
If the lookup record is not found, what should happen? Choices include.
- Not found message
Specify the message to display.
- Not found Javascript Function
Specify the name of the Javascript function to execute if the lookup record is not found.
See Also