Get the HTML inside a container and convert to PDF.
Used with the UX component.
HTML to PDF Properties
- Container Id
Specify the container Id. Choices include.
- Action
Action property. Choices include Download, Xbasic function.
- Client-side filename
Specify the client side filename to suggest when the user downloads the PDF file. To dynamically compute the clientside filename using a Javascript function, specify the filename as: function:FUNCTION_NAME. For example: function:myfunc. In this example 'myfunc' is a Javascript function that will return the client-side filename to use.
- Xbasic function
Specify the name of the Xbasic function. The function takes 'e' as a parameter. the 'e' object contains e.filename - the filename of the PDF file that was created.
PDF Options Properties
- Grayscale
Grayscale property.
- Image quality
Image quality property.
- Landscape
Landscape property.
- Units for all measurements
Units for all measurements property. Choices include px, in, cm, mm, pt, tw, px.
- Margin-bottom
Margin-bottom property.
- Margin-left
Margin-left property.
- Margin-top
Margin-top property.
- Page-height
Page-height property.
- Page-width
Page-width property.
- Page-size
Page-size property.
- Smart shrinking
Smart shrinking property.
CSS Overrides Properties
- CSS override definitions
Define CSS classes to override defined CSS styles. This will allow you to have special classes on controls when the HTML is saved to PDF. A typical use case for this feature is to turn off the border on controls when they are printed. TIP: Use the .{style} placeholder in selector names to make your definition work with any component style. For example, to turn off the border on textboxes: {style}Edit {border: none;}
- Suppress borders on controls
Specify if the border that is normally displayed around edit controls should be suppressed.
See Also