Video Player Control Actions


Perform some type of action on a video player control.

Used with the UX component.

Panel Action Properties

Action name

Specify the Video Player Control action you want to execute. Choices include.

Video player control id

Specify the video player control Id.


Type property.

Method for specifying the video id to play

How should the video to play should be specified.

Video id

Video id property.

JavaScript function

JavaScript function property.

Control id

Control id property.

List id

List id property. Choices include.

List control column

List control column property.

List control columns

List control columns property.

MP4 Video URL

Set the url to the MP4 video source. The MP4 format is suported by current versions of IE, Chrome and Safari.

WebM Video URL

Set the url to the WebM video source. The WebM format is suported by current versions of Chrome, Firefox and Opera.


Set the url to the Ogg video source. The Ogg format is suported by current versions of Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

Poster Image

Set the url to the video poster image. This will display in the player prior to the video loading.

Automatically Size The Video Player

When enabled, the video player will be automatically sized to fit to the max width and height of the panel card. A 16:9 aspect ratio will be maintained. On device orientation change, the player will be resized.

Use CSS For Responsive Video Player Sizing

When enabled, the video player will be automatically sized to the max width of the device using CSS which is fluid, responsive and fast. The onOrientationChange event is not used. A 16:9 aspect ratio is maintained. The height may overcome the available panel card height however the panel card may include scrolling.

See Also