BLOB Functions
Blob Functions query and manipulate binary data.
- Name
- Description
- *gunzip_blob Function
Decompress blob using gzip.
- *gzip_blob Function
Compress blob using gzip.
- BlobCompare Function
Performs a byte by byte comparison of the two blobs. Returns 0 if equal, 1 if the left is greater, -1 if the right is greater.
- BlobEqual Function
Returns .t. if the binary objects are the same length and values.
- CHAR_TO_BLOB Function
CHAR_TO_BLOB() returns the blob equivalent of the original character string.
Property read from blob data that was orginally created with PROPERTY_TO_BLOB()
- property_from_blob_const Function
Creates a readonly property from blob - used to store read-only definitions.
Allows a single property in a binary object created with property_to_blob().
Dump pointer contents (can be variable frame) to a blob - optional limit to 'fields'.
- STRUCT_GET Function
Converts a packed structure to a blob.
- STRUCT_SET Function
STRUCT_SET() creates a packed structure based on a DECLARESTRUCT definition, and optionally reads blob data to initialize the packed structure. This is useful for interpreting binary data read in from files.
Manipulating Blob Data
Additional functions that are useful for manipulating blob data.
FILE.FROM_BLOB() - Creates a Windows Bitmap (.BMP) or JPEG (.JPG) file from binary data.
FILE.TO_BLOB() - Reads a binary file from disk into a blob variable. The data can be in either Windows Bitmap (.BMP) or JPEG (.JPG) formats.
INCREMENT_VALUE() - Increments the value of a variable by 1.
table.RECORD_DATA_GET() - Copies all the field values from Record_Number (or the current record if Record_Number is not specified) to a blob variable.
table.RECORD_DATA_SET() - Copies all the field values from the blob variable, Record_Data, into the current record.
See Also