Character Extraction Functions
Functions to extract substrings from larger strings.
- Name
- Description
- *grouping_word Function
Function to help parse nested delimiters - returns one of the outermost syntax elements.
- *grouping_word_inside Function
Function to help parse nested delimiters - returns one of the outermost syntax elements.
- a5_csweb_to_list Function
Returns an CRLF delimited list from an cs record source. ListType is 'OptionList' or 'List'
- a5_extractoddata Function
Extracts value from a "{DATA=value}" owner draw string
- a5_get_pos_linestart Function
Returns the character position of the start of the current line.
- a5_modeless_textencoder Function
Prompt for a text value. High order characters are uni-code encoded.
- expandtablefiletypes Function
Takes a CRLF delimited list of .dbf and .set filenames and returns all files associated with each table/set. E.g. .ddd, .ddm, .ddx, .fpt, .cdx, .set, .sem and .sex.
Extracts the nth occurrences of a sub-string starting with 'start_string' and ending with 'end_string'.
- getstringfromfile Function
Gets a string from a filename, returns a callresult
- LASTWORD Function
returns the last "word" in a string
- LEADING Function
Returns the non-word characters preceding the specified word.
- LEFT Function
Returns a portion of a string, starting with the leftmost character.
- left_u Function
Returns a portion of a string, starting with the leftmost character, honors UTF8 encoding.
- rat_u Function
Returns the position of one string found in another, relative from the end of the string, honors UTF8 encoding.
- regex_literal_extract Function
Extract the literal characters from a decorated string. This processes input that is expected to contain delimiters, stripping out the delimiters, leaving just the data.
- regex_literal_mask_get Function
Get the literal characters from a regular expression - puts in optional placeholder for characters. The purpose is to extract out the parts of a regular expression which could be considered parts of a 'template'.
- right_u Function
Returns a portion of a string starting with the rightmost character, honoring UTF8 encoding.
- SUBSTR Function
Returns a substring portion of a character string.
- substr_u Function
Returns a substring portion of a character string, honors UTF8 encoding.
- TRAILING Function
Returns the non-word characters following the specified word.
- WORD2 Function
Just like word() except it allows num_words to be used with the default separators if ""
Find the words in common between two lists of words, ignoring case.
Find the words in common between two lists of words, using a case-sensitive comparison.
- WORD_UNIQUE Function
Remove duplicate words from a list.
- WORD_UNIQUE_C Function
Remove duplicate words from a list doing a case-sensitive comparison.
Related Functions
ALLTEXT() - Returns a character string of all of the field values in the current record in the table specified by Table_Alias.
KEYWORDS() - Returns a sorted list of all of the unique words in Character_Expression. Case-sensitive.
KEYWORDSI() - Returns a sorted list of all of the unique words in Character_Expression. Case-insensitive.
KEYWORDSX() - Returns a sorted list of the Soundex values of all of the unique words in Character_Expression.
WORD() - Returns one or more words, specified by the Word_Number and Word_Count and delimited by Word_Delimiter, from the supplied Input_String.
See Also