Formatting Functions
Functions to format strings.
- Name
- Description
- *ADDSLASHES Function
Quotes a BLOB (escapes NIL characters) -- allows user to chose what to escape and what to replace with.
- *concat_keys Function
Concatenates key expressions, keeping the result under the MAXIMUM index key length, and eliminating 'blank' space from the end of keys.
- *grouping_format_get Function
Dump grouping structure using a format.
- *if_error Function
Adds error checking around an expression - if there is an error in the expression, the errorValue is returned.
- a5_addtrailingbackslash Function
Adds a trailing backslash to a string if it does not already have one
- a5_changeorderoflist Function
Allows a user to re-order a crlf delimited list of values.
- a5_code_format Function
Indent code appropriately
- a5_pad_leading_tabs Function
Inserts leading tabs in front of each line of a crlf delimited string
- a5_popuptexteditor Function
Popup editor to edit text strings
- a5_remove_curly_brackets Function
Remove curly brackets from a string
- a5_remove_quotes Function
Unquotes string if string is quoted, else does nothing.
- a5_removetrailingbackslash Function
Removes a trailing backslash to a string if it has one
- a5_unsquare Function
Removes [ ] from a crlf delimited string. Useful when using the <array>.Matching() method
- ALIGN_LEFT Function
Align text with left border
- ALLTRIM Function
Trims leading and trailing spaces.
- CASE Function
Returns the corresponding value for the first condition that evaluates to true (.t.)
Computes the two digit delivery code for UPC codes
- IIF Function
Tests an expression and returns one of two expressions.
- jsescapequotes Function
Escape single and double quotes within an string for use within JavaScript
- LTRIM Function
Removes any leading blanks (or optional other characters) in a character string.
- PADC Function
Pads both sides of a string with another string.
- PADL Function
Pads the left side of a string with another string.
- PADR Function
Pads the right side of a string with another string.
- profiler_format Function
Format and return a string with summaries of the profiling data collected so far.
- QUOTE Function
Returns the quoted value - useful for expressions generating other expressions.
- RAND_STRING Function
Returns a random character string of Length characters.
- regex_literal_insert Function
Insert the literal characters into an undecorated string.
- REPLICATE Function
Duplicates a character a specified number of times.
- RIGHT Function
Returns a portion of a string starting with the rightmost character.
- RTRIM Function
Remove trailing blanks (or optional other characters) from a character string.
- savestringtofile Function
Save a string to a file. Return a callresult
- SPACE Function
Returns a character string containing a specified number of spaces.
- TRANSFORM Function
Returns a character string that formats a user defined expression.
- TRIM Function
Removes trailing blanks from a character string.
- UN_PAREN Function
Removes unnecessary enclosing parentheses from an expression. If paren are unbalanced, returns string
- UNMASK Function
Extract characters that match placeholder space charaters of template.
- unquote Function
Remove quotes from a string.
- UNQUOTE2 Function
Removes wrapping quotes and converts escaped quotes to simple quotes.
- WORD_WRAP Function
Convert a string to length limited lines, wrapping at the last full word.
Related Functions
*TREE_FROM_OUTLINE() - Converts an indented list into data formatted for display in a tree control.
*TREE_TO_OUTLINE() - Converts data formatted for a tree control into an indented list.
ALLTRIM() - Removes leading and trailing blanks from a Input_String.
FORMAT_DATA() - Formats a character, date, numeric, or logical value.
LEFT() - Returns a character string containing the specified Number_Of_Characters starting from the left-most character of the Input_String.
LTRIM() - Removes any specified leading characters in the Input_String.
OEM_TO_ANSI() - Converts characters from the OEM (DOS) character set to the ANSI (Windows) character set.
QUOTE() - Inserts quotes around Input_String.
REGEX_ESCAPE() - Formats data for processing by REGEX functions.
REMSPECIAL() - Strips all non-alphabetic and non-numeric characters, including spaces, from a string.
RTRIM() - Removes any specified trailing characters in the Input_String.
S_QUOTE() - Quotes and formats data for use in expressions.
STR() - Converts a Number to a right-justified character string.
STUFF() - Alters Input_String by replacing the specified Number_Of_Characters, beginning at the specified Starting_Position, with the Insert_String.
TAGGED_PATTERN() - Parses the Input_String (into "tags", or "fields") using the format specified by the Input_Format string and creates a formatted character string based on the format specified by Output_Format.
UNQUOTE2() - Removes one level of quotation marks, but never removes the last level, which is necessary for character string data.
UT() - Converts all the text to uppercase, and removes trailing blanks from a Input_String.
WORD_TAGGED_PATTERN() - Parses each "word" (or "record") in the input string (into "tags", or "fields") using the format specified by the Input_String string and creates an output result string based on the format specified by Output_Format.
ZBLANK() - Converts a Number to a formatted right justified character string.
See Also