List Processing Functions
List processing functions available in Alpha Anywhere.
- Name
- Description
- *AVERAGE Function
Get the average of a cr-lf delimited numbers.
- *COUNT Function
Get the count of a cr-lf delimited values.
- *counter Function
Counter used inside a for each 'each' subexpression that returns filtered index.
- *FOR_EACH Function
Executes the command specified by "each" on every entry in a CR-LF delimited "list". "Tag" refers to each entry in the "list".
- *LINE_INSERT Function
The *LINE_INSERT() function inserts line(s) into a string starting at the line position defined by Start_Line.
- *LINE_REMOVE Function
Remove line(s) from text at line position.
- *LINE_REPLACE Function
Replace line(s) of text at word position (1 line replaced if nlines ommitted).
- *MAX Function
Get the maximum value from a cr-lf delimited values.
- *MIN Function
Get the minimum value from a cr-lf delimited values.
Extract patterns from text - returns a cr-lf delimited list of patterns.
Looks up a value matching a key on text, if none found return 'otherwise' condition.
Looks up a value matching a key on text, if none found return 'otherwise' condition.
Remove duplicate sequential entries from the list.
Remove case-insensitive duplicate sequential entries from the list.
Reverse the order of words in a string - default delimiter is cr-lf.
- *TOTAL Function
Get the sum total of a cr-lf delimited numbers.
- *WORD Function
Find a word (word of words) in text - if found, return true, else return false.
- *WORD_INSERT Function
Insert word(s) into text at word position.
- *WORD_REMOVE Function
Remove word(s) from text at position- words delimited by separator.
- *WORD_REPLACE Function
Replace word(s) of text at word position (1 word replaced if ommitted).
- *WORDI Function
Find a case insensitive word (word of words) in text - if found, return true, else return false.
- a5_arguments_dbflist Function
Used to define a dynamic list of choices from a DBF data source when defining arguments. If MaxValues = 0 then all values are returned.
- a5_autocomplete_list Function
Called whenenever 3rd party .aex files are loaded. Adds the functions to the auto-complete list.
- a5_define_parameters Function
Define for a list of Parameters that will be prompted for at run-time using a5_get_parameters()
- a5_get_parameters Function
Prompt for a list of Parameters
- a5_get_writeable_drives Function
Get a list of all of the writable drives attached to the computer
- a5_getaddinsinstalled Function
Returns a list of installed addins
- a5_progresslist Function
Displays a progress list. Function returns the name of the modeless dialog so you have a handle to which you can send events.
- a5_window_list Function
Generates a list of open windows for the Windows menu.
- COMMA_TO_CRLF Function
Converts a comma delimited list to a CrLf delimited list.
Create a CRLF delimited list of countries. Format string can contain 'Name' and 'Code'. E.g. To get data in form 'code - country', specify a format of 'code - name'
Given a country name, return the country code, or given a country code, return the country name
- crlf_to_comma Function
Converts a CR-LF delimited list to a comma delimited list.
- CSTATE Function
Converts a two character state abbreviation to its full state name.
Returns the 2 letter state abbreviation for a state name. Also works for Canadian provinces.
- CSTATES Function
Return the US states with optional format S=state, A=Abbreviation.
Extracts the all occurrences of a sub-string starting with start_string and ending with end_string.
Filter in/out words that contain any case insensitive words in delimiter delimited sub_strings from a list, default delimiter is CR-LF.
Filter in/out words that match (using smatch) the pattern, default delimiter is CR-LF.
Filter in/out words that contain case sensitive sub_string from a list, default delimiter is CR-LF.
- INLIST2 Function
Case insensitive. Returns .t. if a string is found in a list of comma delimited values. Differs from inlist() in that the list to search is a single argument, rather than multiple arguments.
- inlistn Function
Returns which value (if in list) or 0 if not. Put another way, this function returns the index (1,2,3, etc.) of the first value that matches lookfor. If there are no matches, returns 0. Function is case-sensitive.
- IS_ONE_OF Function
Returns .t. if a value is contained in a crlf delimited list of values
- keylist_filtered_build Function
Build a list of keys that is pre-filter.
Returns the starting character position of word_number in string.
Returns the region for the specified telephone area code as defined by the North American Numbering Plan Administration (
Removes blank lines from the string.
- SortList_On_ReferenceList Function
Sorts a CRLF delimited list so that the entries are in the same order as the entries in a reference list
Perform tagged expression replacement on a string.
- UniqueNameGet Function
Takes a CRLF delimited list of existing names and a suggested name and increments a counter at end of suggested name until it is unique.
- WORD_CHANGE Function
Perform operation across a group of words, if pattern is specified, only change those words matching the pattern.
Takes a CRLF delimited string and returns a list of all lines in the string that are duplicated.
Evaluates an expression on each word in the input string
- WORD_EXISTS Function
Does a search for a word in a list of words, ignoring case.
- WORD_EXISTS_C Function
Does a case-sensitive search for a word in a list of words.
- word_i function
A case-insensitive version of the word() function
- WORD_MOVE Function
Moves a word in a list to the specified location.
- WORD_NUM Function
Returns what word number cWord is in CR-LF delimited cString
Returns the word number of the word in which substring was found.
- WORD_REMOVE Function
Removes the word on a specific line from a list.
Search CRLF delimited list and replace all occurences of substring with replacement
Returns Words that are not in the exclude list.
Returns Words (case sensitive) that are not in the exclude list.
Perform tagged expression replacement on words in a string.