Character Search Functions
Search for elements in a string.
- Name
- Description
- *ANY Function
Find a search text in text - if found, return true, else return false.
- *AT_MULTI Function
Returns the position where one of a CR-LF delimited list of strings is found in another.
- *ATC_MULTI Function
Returns the position where one of a cr-lf delimited list of strings is found in another.
- *FIRST Function
Returns true if the text starts with the specified word.
- *LEADING Function
Look for word starting with, word (or words) in text, return true if found, false if not found.
Extracts the first occurrences of a sub-string starting with 'start_string' and ending with 'end_string'.
- a5_font_list Function
Get a list of fonts with the True Type image icon in front on True Type fonts.
- AT Function
Returns the position where one character string is found in another.
- AT2 Function
Locates the starting position of a sub string within a character string.
- at_u Function
Returns the position where one character string is found in another, Honors UTF8 encoding.
- ATC Function
Returns the position where one string is found within another.
- atc_u Function
Returns the position where one string is found within another, Honors UTF8 encoding.
- CONTAINS Function
Returns TRUE if the string contains all the words (case sensitive).
- find_duplicate_lines Function
Finds duplicate entries in a crlf-delimited list of values.
- l is_object Function
Tests whether the object named by the pointer or string exists.
- RAT Function
Returns the position of one string found in another, relative from the end of the string.
- regex_match_length Function
Return the number of characters that match the pattern.
Search a string for a pattern - uses AND, OR between phrases in pattern, and NOT in front of excludes.
Returns a count of the number of ways a pattern matched a string (0 for none, 1 for one condition matched, 2 for two conditions matched etc.
- WORD Function
Returns a specified word(s) from a string.
- WORD_FROM_POS Function
Given a character position, return the 'word' that character is in.
- WORDAT Function
Returns which word matches (1 based,0 means no match).
- WORDATC Function
Returns which case sensitive word matches (1 based,0 means no match).
- WordFromEnd Function
Returns specified number of word(s) from then end of a string.
- WORDS Function
Returns words, stripping out all whitespace.
Related Functions
$ - Type L. Determines whether the character expression on the left of the operator is contained anywhere within the character expression on the right.
*WORD() - Type L. Returns .T. (TRUE) if Find_String is a whole word in Search_In_String. Case-sensitive.
*WORDI() - Type L. Returns true (.T.) if the Find_String is found in the Search_In_String. Case-insensitive.
AT() - Type N. Returns the position of the n th occurrence of the Find_String within the specified Search_In_String, where n is specified through the Number argument. Case-sensitive.
IS_ONE_OF() - Type L. Determines whether an character string is a member of a list.
POS_FROM_WORD_NUMBER() - Type N. Returns the position of the first character of the entry specified by Entry_Number in the Search_List.
REGEX_MATCH() - Type L. Searches Text for a match to Search_Expresssion returns .T. (TRUE) or .F. (FALSE).
REGEX_SPLIT() - Type C. Searches Text for one or more matches to Search_Expresssion and returns each matching string on its own line.
WORD_EXISTS() - Type L. Returns .T. if Word is found in the CR-LF delimited List.
WORD_NUM() - Type N. Returns the position of a word or entry in a CR-LF delimited list.
WORD_NUMBER_GET() - Type N. Returns the integer list position of the Find_String in the Search_In_String.
WORDAT() - Type N. Returns the word number of Word in Input_String. Case insensitive.
WORDATC() - Type N. Returns the word number of Word in Input_String. Case sensitive.